The Dr. Oz Show
Airdate: September 12, 2011 - Season 3 Premiere
Dr. Oz: 5 Steps to Blast Your 4-Plus Belly Fat
- 5 ways to burn the belly fat
- Breakthrough belly blasters
- What your doctor won't tell you about uterine fibroids
- International beauty secrets
- Dance your way to health
Every member of the today's audience wore a blue sports bras and black spandex shorts or pants! [Each and every woman in that audience is hands-down braver than me. At the beginning of the show I said to myself that it would take serious cash, I'm talking bajillions of green backs, to get me to wear that outfit on national television. More power to ya women!]
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Dr. Oz: 5 Steps to Blast Your 4-Plus Belly Fat
As I watched the show, I began to feel an affinity for the women for putting themselves in a vulnerable position in order to learn ways to improve themselves. One woman came on stage and said she calls her belly “fluffy”!
By the middle of the show, I was feeling an affinity for the women in the audience. If I was at the show, I think I could actually squeeze into the sports bra and wiggle into the spandex pants. Knowing that every woman was putting themselves in a vulnerable position as a step towards doing something about where they were at – health and belly fat-wise makes me think I could cocoon myself in spandex. At least I say that while sitting on my couch watching the show. It does show me that my initial perspective changed through listening to their struggles and identifying with their body image. I think I could stand with those women.
I'm not proud of my belly fat or how my belly looks. And, oh yeah, it's hard to work on that belly. Either it's a lack of energy or it's a lack of time or it's a lack in trust in my ability to take that first step to make the necessary changes in my life for my own health. How ironic! Here I am blogging about watching The Dr. Oz Show to help empower people to take charge of their lives and I've got some issues to work on too. Perhaps I've been led down this road for my own personal benefit – health benefit – and perhaps I'm the one who needs to listen closely to the message.]
Dr. Oz said belly fat is a bomb that can explode inside of us releasing all sorts of chemicals. Toxins are stored in fat. When we burn fat we release those toxins into the body. It's very important to include healthy foods along with exercise when burning calories and letting go of the weight so that your body has the tools it needs to remove those toxins. Our bodies need all those healthy nutrients to do all the important jobs we ask it to do each and every day.
Dr. Oz Belly Blast Step 1 – Eating in reverse
Eat carbohydrates early in the day so the calories can be burned off during the day. How about dinner for breakfast? Dr. Oz recommends a spaghetti
dinner for breakfast. has a recipe for
noodle pudding that can help you eat your carbs for breakfast! The recipe includes whole wheat noodles, Greek yogurt, eggs, vanilla, cinnamon, dried fruit and optional nuts.
[This a great combination of fiber, protein and healthy fat along with blood sugar balancing cinnamon. Having dinner for breakfast takes a shift in perspective to get used to the idea but it makes sense. A meal with the powerhouse foods for supporting stable blood sugar, building muscles and fueling the brain gives your body the best start for the day!]
Dr. Oz Belly Blast Step 2 – Create a fiber pack
Fiber is a vital nutrient for the optimal functioning of the body and especially the colon. As Dr. Oz says, fiber is the stuff that will bulk up your poop and help you feel full so that snacking is decreased.
Most Americans get far less than the recommended 25g of fiber in their diet each day. How do you fix it? Well, eat more fiber, of course, but that can be a challenge for most people. Packing a bag of fiber rich snacks to take with you whereever you have to go in a day will help encourage choosing healthy fiber-based snacks over highly processed, sugar-filled snacks.
Start the day with a high fiber bar. Dr. Oz recommends starting the day with a
Gnu fiber bar which contains 12g of fiber.
[I've tried these bars and they are pretty good. Gnu bars come in seven flavors to satisfy your palette and sooth the snack monster! If you can't find Gnu bars at your local store then look for a bar with 12g of fiber.]

Dr. Oz recommends packing a bag with delicious fiber treats: 1 bag of
Kashi Go Lean Berry Crumble cereal has 8g of fiber, 1 orange contains 2g of fiber and is also packed with
vitamin C, 1 pack of Metamucil® fiber drink mix.
[Metamucil® is a
psyllium fiber drink. Purchasing a name brand product like Metamucil® can often be the more pricey option. There are many brands of psyllium fiber to choose from at your local natural foods store that will often cost less then the name brand. Get the same fiber for a lot less!
Be a savvy consumer and read labels! Know what is in a recommended product and compare the ingredients to other available brands. You may find a lower cost option that contains the same ingredients.
Save even more money by purchasing your fiber of choice in a large container. Put one serving of fiber in your own plastic bag or small reusable container. Reusable shake mix cups can act as a container as well as a drinking cup and are widely available.
Blender Bottle is a fantastic mix cup that is also easy to clean.
What's is psyllium fiber? Psyllium is an inexpensive plant fiber that when taken internally helps to support regularity and is supportive of healthy cholesterol levels. Psyllium draws water into the intestines so it's important to drink enough water to allow the psyllium to absorb the water it needs. Not drinking enough water when taking psyllium may create the potential for choking if the fiber gets stuck in the throat or constipation when the fiber is in the intestines.
There are other fibers on the market that do the same job as psyllium without the concerns of drinking extra water. The two top selling fibers are psyllium and
flax seed. In addition to being high in fiber, flax seeds are also high in
omega-3 fatty acids providing a higher nutritional value over psyllium. Ground flax seeds, also called flax meal, as well as whole flax seeds are readily available at most health foods stores. Whole flax seeds cannot be broken down by our digestive tracks. Whole seeds can be ground down in a blender.]
Dr. Oz Belly Blast Step 3 – Drink 1 glass of red wine everyday
Dr. Oz recommends drinking 1 glass of
red wine everyday with dinner – a reasonable portion of wine, mind you.
Red wine contains the celebrity antioxidant resveratrol. Polyphenols are antioxidants specific to red wine supportive to the structure of blood vessels particularly in the heart. [Resveratrol has received a tremendous amount of media attention as being the powerhouse of antioxidants.]
The alcohol in red wine also slows down the neurotransmitters in the brain, the same neurotransmitters which go in overload when we have a busy, stressful day. Slowing the neurotransmitters allows the brain and the body to relax.
Dr. Oz Belly Blast Step 4 – Confuse your muscles
Doing the same exercises everyday allows the muscles to get used to the actions and lessens the impact. Change it up everyday or every week to confuse the muscles. The muscles won't know what to expect and will be worked in different ways. [If you think about an active lifestyle, a variety of body movements come to mind. Variety is the spice of life and the key to overcoming or avoiding a workout plateau.]
Dr. Oz Belly Blast Step 5 – Make a belly band
Dr. Oz wants us all to know where we are in terms of belly fat. He recommends taking a ribbon and measure out a 32 inch length. Dr. Oz recommends that our waist lines measure 32 inches or less for optimal health.
Why use a ribbon? Pulling out a measuring tape and seeing the number go over the ideal 32 inches can send a blow to the ego. Using a ribbon can provide a picture of where you are at and how much is left to go without a negative blow. It's also discrete, allowing for the measurement to be a private affair.
Dr. Oz Breakthrough Belly Blasters
Dr. Oz Belly Blaster #1: Goldenberry
Goldenberry – fresh or dried, ¼ cup a day for a snack helps to burn calories. Goldenberries are high in
B-complex vitamins which are essential for metabolism. They are also high in
vitamin A,
vitamin C and protein.
[I've had not heard of goldenberries until today's show. Goldenberries are also known as cape gooseberries but are not a true gooseberry. They look like a dark orange, wrinkled raisin. The berries are native to South America and are popular in Europe and Australia and just becoming known in the US. In the States, goldenberries are grown in Hawaii and California. The crops are very prone to pests and diseases making them a challenge to grow. To me, that says pricey!
The website
Raw Guru is selling a half pound of golden berries for the discounted price of $11.16. Yeah, that's pricey!
If goldenberries are not available in your area or are out of your price range, you may want to consider other dried berries instead.
Blueberries are considered nutritional powerhouses and can be easier to find at your local store. Certainly the nutritional profile will be different than goldenberries (just a guess as I was unable to find a nutrient profile for goldenberries online), blueberries can still provide nutritional benefits and are a better snack choice then cookies or other processed foods.]
Dr. Oz Belly Blaster Blaster #2: Miso
Miso – a salty, fermented soy paste that is used as a soup base. [Miso can also be made from fermented rice or barley, soy is the most common form.]
Dr. Oz says miso is one of the reasons why Japanese women are so thin. Miso helps support healthy triglyceride levels in the blood. High in beneficial probiotics, miso also supports immune system health. Dr. Oz recommends to drink 1 cup of miso every day.
[Miso is readily available at local health food stores and comes in powder or paste. The powder is more processed yet it's easier to take with you – just add hot water. The paste form is the preferred form as it is generally seen to have more live cultures. In your local health food store you may find a variety of miso pastes, typically: red, white or brown. I prefer the brown paste and keep it on hand to make a quick, nutrient-rich soup. Adding udon noodles, seaweed, carrots and green onion creates a satisfying meal.
Due to the high sodium content, be mindful of how much miso you are using especially if you have concerns regarding blood pressure levels.]

Dr. Oz Belly Blaster #3: Sauerkraut
Sauerkraut – fermented cabbage
Dr. Oz says that how the gut metabolizes is important to how we digest our food. Without proper bacteria, digestion doesn't happen properly. Sauerkraut is a fermented food and therefore contains those good bacteria that colonize the intestines.
Enjoy sauerkraut on a sandwich and skip the hot dog. [Sauerkraut is available in most supermarkets across the country and can be made at home. Here's a recipe I found on the website
Learning Store.]
Dr. Oz: Uterine Fibroids - What Your Doctor Won't Tell You
Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous tumors that grow in the reproductive organs of women.
[Although the exact cause of fibroids is not known, it is believed to be associated with estrogen levels in the body, according to the
U.S. National Library of Medicine.]
Symptoms of fibroids can include bloating, heavy/prolonged periods, pelvic pain, frequent urination, constipation, back pain. Latin American and African American women are the most at risk
for fibroids and more cases are being seen in white women due to an average increase in Body Mass Index.
Dr. Oz encourages women who experience a change in their menstrual cycle to discuss the issue with their doctor to rule out any serious health concerns.
Most fibroids do not need to be removed. The location of the fibroid will help a doctor determine if it or the uterus should be removed. According to Dr. Oz, fibroids are the leading cause of unnecessary removal of the uterus. If the fibroids are interfering with the lining of the uterus then they need to be removed.
To support how your body regulates hormones, Dr. Oz recommends eating tofu,
flax seed oil and
[Moderation on the soy, people. Moderation. If uterine fibroids are potentially liked to estrogen then eating excessive amounts of soy could possibly encourage their growth.]
Flora (Udo s Choice) Certified Organic Flax Oil 32 oz - $23.99from:
Best Price Nutrition
Dr. Oz: Anti-Aging Beauty Secrets from Around the World
Dr. Oz Anti-Aging Beauty Secret from Turkey
Purslane greens is considered a vegetable. Purslane contains
vitamins A, C, E and
CoQ10. Dr. Oz's parents enjoy it mixed with garlic and yogurt. Dr. Oz said it's readily available around the country.
[You may have to call around to your favorite health food stores to find out if they carry it. I've not seen it in a health food store however, I've never looked for it either.]
Dr. Oz Anti-Aging Beauty Secret from Australia
Macadamia nut oil massaged into the scalp for healthy hair. Macadamia nut's are rich in antioxidants and their oil is highly resistant to oxidation. The oil is high in palmitoleic acid, an omega-7 acid, that is very similar to our skin's natural sebum (or oil). Oils that are close to your skin's natural oils are easy for the body to absorb and utilize.
Species Nutrition Macadamia Nut Oil 500ml - $17.99from:
Best Price Nutrition
Dr. Oz Anti-Aging Beauty Secret from Hawaii
Noni juice. Noni a Polynesian fruit that people say helps them to feel younger. Noni juice helps to modulate inflammation, is supportive of the immune system as well as being good for the skin when taken internally.
Genesis Today Noni 100 100% Pure Wild Harvested Noni Juice 32 oz - $27.08from:
Best Price Nutrition
[Looking online it would appear that Noni can help with any ailment. Rich in antioxidants, noni is considered a superfruit. Noni is available in juice and capsule forms.]
Dr. Oz Get up and Dance!
Dr. Oz thinks every woman over 40 should be dancing. Dancing increases metabolism, builds muscle and is just plain fun. Get on the dance floor, take a dance class or dance in your own home! Have a night out and light up the dance floor to help reduce your belly fat! You can even have a solo dance party in your own living room!
And I highly recommend The Blue Man Group concert DVD. My kids and I have danced to that video countless times. We jump and shake and raise the roof, shake our booties too, and had a great time. It didn't matter that none of us knew any “moves” or had a dance routine memorized. We simply let our bodies move and had a great time. I reduced my stress and got a work out at the same time! Brilliant!
Place your vote for this week's quiz
and return on Saturday for the answer.
Thank you for making Watching Dr Oz a success!
updated 12/26/11 HR
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