Airdate: September 21, 2011
Dr. Oz Holistic How-To Guide
Dr. Deepak Chopra and Dr. Andrew Weil are special guests on The Dr. Oz Show to discuss holistic approaches to dealing with diseases.
Dr. Oz calls today show the definitive how-to guide to holistic health medicines and the one and only guide you'll ever need for holistic health.
Personally, I think that's a bit of exaggeration. With the amount of information available regarding natural and holistic approaches to every conceivable health concern I find it hard to believe that one show can cover everything a person could possibly need to know about holistic health. I would call this show more of a covering-the-basics guide the holistic health.
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Dr. Oz Holistic How-To Guide
For the first time Dr. Chopra and Dr. Weil appeared on The Dr. Oz Show together. Dr. Oz calls them the “giants of holistic health”.
Dr. Andrew Weil has been practicing holistic health for over 30 years. A best-selling author, Dr. Weil has sold over 10 million books worldwide.
Dr. Deepak Chopra is a leader in mind-body healing. He is the writer of numerous best-selling books and has been called the prophet of alternative medicine.
Together, Dr. Weil and Dr. Chopra have helped an entire generation change how they look at their health and have encouraged people to take control of their well being by looking at the total person.
What is holistic health? Holistic health is looking at the whole person and striving to achieve balance. Western medicine tends to look only at the body. Looking at the whole person means taking every aspect of being human into consideration: spirituality, the physical body, the mental state.
Dr. Oz Holistic How-To: Avoid Toxic Fats
Hydrogenated oils have been altered by adding hydrogen to allow for a longer shelf life in foods. Hydrogenated oils are also cheap making making them appealing to manufacturers. Hydrogenated oils are found in margarine, some vegetable shortenings, many snack foods such as chocolate chip cookies.
When hydrogenated oils are made, trans fats are created. As of January, 2006, the government has required that trans fats are listed on food labels. Hydrogenated oils can be found on a products list of ingredients.
Find out more more about hydrogenated oils on
When toxic fats enter the digestive system the body is unable to break them down. The fats travel to the blood stream where they circulate and eventually begin to stick to the walls of the blood vessels as plaque. Plaque can become dislodged from the wall of the blood vessels and enter the heart causing extreme stress and potentially even damage.
Dr. Chopra also mentioned saturated fats within the toxic fat category. I have to disagree. Saturated fats have given a bad wrap for decades which has caused the entire population to fear fat in general by believing that saturated fats cause heart disease and lead to obesity. The heart and the brain run on fats, they need fats to function. In particular the heart needs saturated fats to do its' job. Small amounts of healthy saturated fats are beneficial to the heart health and can help to body feel full and reduce carvings for high sugar, over processed foods. In large amounts, this same healthy, saturated fat can indeed lead to weight gain and would cause the heart to work harder than designed.
Read more about the benefits of saturated fat in the article in Men's Health (beware of suggestive ads!).
Healthy fats to focus on are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Monounsaturated fats, also called omega-9 fats, are found in nuts and oils such as olive oil, sesame oil and avocado oil. Find more great information on monounsaturated fats on
Polyunsaturated fats are also known as omega-6 and omega-3. Omega-6 fats are found in oils like soybean oil and safflower oil. Omega-3's are found in fish, seeds such as flax seeds, and also in nuts such as walnuts.
Dr. Oz recommends avoiding lite-olive oil and instead use cold pressed olive oil.
Dr. Oz: Test for Rancid Fats
The sniff test is an easy way to determine if the fats in the food that could be in your house right now have oxidized and gone rancid. The nose can detect the off or acrid scent of the spoiled oils. Rancid oils smell musty and old somewhat like the smell of oil paint. If foods like flours, nuts and oils smell off or musty, they have oxidized and should not be eaten.
Dr. Oz: Store Foods Smartly
Fats should not be stored for the long- or even medium-term. Dr. Chopra recommends not storing them at all but to used them quickly and to frequently purchase them fresh. Keep foods containing fats away from light, heat and moisture. If absolutely necessary, store these foods in the refrigerator.
Dr. Oz Holistic How-To: Make Smart Meat Substitutions
Substitute vegetable protein for animal protein for at least one meal per week, if not more often.
Animal proteins contain a lot of saturated fat and should be eaten in moderation. Processed meats, such as deli slices, have nitrates that are carcinogenic to the body and particularly toxic to the colon.
Instead, opt for vegetarian sources of protein.
Dr. Oz: Swap Meat with Seitan
Seitan is a wheat based “fake meat” similar in taste to chicken. It has a meaty texture and readily absorbs seasonings making it a versatile ingredient.
Dr. Oz: Swap Meat with Quinoa
Quinoa is a high protein seed which contains all 9 essential vitamins. Quinoa is cooked in water, like rice, and is typically combined with vegetables for a highly nutritious meal.
Dr. Oz: Swap Meat with Soy
Tempeh is fermented and pressed soy beans. Tempeh comes packaged as a brick and can be sauteed with vegetables. It also picks up flavor well and can be used in a great variety of ways.
Dr. Oz: Swap Meat with Beans and Legumes
Beans and legumes beans are a great source of protein and are high in fiber, an very beneficial combination creating a feeling of satisfaction and fullness.
[Check out for meatless meal recipes]
Dr. Oz Holistic How-To: Cooking Temperature
Fats go rancid under high heat and molecules change into carcinogens under high heat. High heat breaks down compounds within food creating new chemicals that are toxic to the body. Marinating foods before cooking can help protect the food, somewhat, from the high heat. The best option is to cook at a lower temperature.
Steaming is a great low-temperature option and it also uses less energy making it a less expensive means of cooking food. The low-temperature used in steaming allows for more nutrients to be retained in the food too.
Dr. Oz Holistic How-To: The Supplement Buffet
The supplement buffet consists of the powerhouses of the antioxidant world: vitamin D, vitamin C, selenium and carotenoids. Dr. Weil calls these nutrients his insurance policy. He eats healthy, nutritious foods and takes these antioxidants in addition to ensure he covers all the nutrient bases.
Dr. Oz Holistic How-To: Vitamin D
Vitamin D has been a media celebrity recently as it plays a role in nearly every function in the body from the immune system to directing calcium where it needs to go in the body. The majority of the population is deficient in Vitamin D. Dr. Oz called Vitamin D his #1 Super Supplement on the Secrets to Living Younger episode airing 9/19/11. Dr. Oz recommends 1000iu of Vitamin D.
Source Naturals Vitamin D-3 1000IU 100 Tabs - $4.49
from: Best Price Nutrition
Dr. Oz Holistic How-To: VitaminC
The list of benefits from Vitamin C continues to grow but it is most well-known for it's supporting role to the immune system. In grade school we learned that mariners brought citrus fruit on their vessels to stave off scurvy. Vitamin C also plays a role the cardiovascular system and is needed by the adrenal glands. Dr. Oz recommends taking 75mg – 90mg of Vitamin C.
[Looking online, many organizations recommend taking Vitamin C in amounts much higher than the recommended daily values. In an article on, researcher Mark Moyad, MD is quoted as recommending Vitamin C at 500mg per day]
Dr. Oz Holistic How-To: Selenium
Selenium is an essential trace mineral that plays a role in muscle function, can support the joints and has been utilized in AIDS treatment programs, according to the Linus Pauling Institute.
Dr. Oz recommends taking 50mcg – 70mcg of selenium. Interestingly, one, single Brazil nut contains 70mcg – mcg of selenium.
Dr. Oz Holistic How-To: Carotenoids
Caroteniods are found in red and yellow foods and play an important role in eye health as well as respiratory health. Dr. Oz recommends taking 1.5-2mg of Caroteniods.
Dr. Oz Holistic How-To: Food Buffet
The anti-inflammatory food buffet includes foods that modulate inflammation in the body. Foods that are high in antioxidants and omega-3's are tops on the list.
Dr. Oz Holistic Food Buffet: Berries
Luscious blueberries, scrupmtious strawberries, delectable raspberries! They are all good for you and all are wonderful on your morning oatmeal and on yogurt too!
Dr. Oz Holistic Food Buffet: Black Cod
Black cod is a fish found in the deep waters off Alaska and is higher is omega-3 than salmon. It's also known as sable fish or butter fish. If you can't find black cod in your market, then salmon would be a wonderful, next best, choice.
Dr. Oz Holistic Food Buffet: Bok choy
Bok choy is a Chinese vegetable. The green leaves are delicate and similar in taste to spinach and the meaty center is crunchy and filled with water. I love bok choy! The flavor is refreshing and light and the crunch is delightful in a salad. Cooking with bok choy is easy if you remember to heat it lightly and for a short time otherwise it can become bitter.
Dr. Oz Holistic Food Buffet: Ginger
Ginger is a spicy root known to stimulate to digestion that can be used as a tea, eaten raw, juiced, cooked lightly and even taken in supplement form.
Dr. Oz Holistic Food Buffet: Black Cod
Black cod is a fish found in the deep waters off Alaska and is higher is omega-3 than salmon. It's also known as sable fish or butter fish. If you can't find black cod in your market, then salmon would be a wonderful, next best, choice.
Dr. Oz Holistic Food Buffet: Bok choy
Bok choy is a Chinese vegetable. The green leaves are delicate and similar in taste to spinach and the meaty center is crunchy and filled with water. I love bok choy! The flavor is refreshing and light and the crunch is delightful in a salad. Cooking with bok choy is easy if you remember to heat it lightly and for a short time otherwise it can become bitter.
Dr. Oz Holistic Food Buffet: Ginger
Ginger is a spicy root known to stimulate to digestion that can be used as a tea, eaten raw, juiced, cooked lightly and even taken in supplement form.
Dr. Oz: Protect your Brain From Alzheimer’s
It's a everyone's biggest fear: losing your mind. Alzheimer's and dementia are devastating diseases that rob people of their memories and relationship. Can it be prevented? It's unknown whether either can be prevented however more energy is being focused on researching lifestyle choices that may play a role in reducing risks and slowing progression.
Alzheimer's takes hold of the brain shrinking the overall size and creating holes indiscriminately through the delicate tissues.
The early stages of Alzheimer's begins to inflame the brain tissues. Looking toward memory enhancing supplements, inflammation modulating foods and power-packed spices can help reduce the risks for diseases that effect the brain.
Dr. Oz Memory Enhancing Supplement #1: Vitamin E
Vitamin E gets is absorbed into the fatty structures of the brain and reduces the effects of stress. Fulfilling it's role as an antioxidant, Vitamin E scavenges free radicals that are cause by the firing of neurons in the brain. Dr. Oz recommends taking 15-20iu of Vitamin E however, products sold over-the-counter range from 100iu to 1000iu.
Vitamin E gets is absorbed into the fatty structures of the brain and reduces the effects of stress. Fulfilling it's role as an antioxidant, Vitamin E scavenges free radicals that are cause by the firing of neurons in the brain. Dr. Oz recommends taking 15-20iu of Vitamin E however, products sold over-the-counter range from 100iu to 1000iu.
Dr. Oz Memory Enhancing Supplement #2: Ginko Biloba
Ginko biloba is an herb that, Dr. Weil explains, is showing indications of slowing the progression of Alzheimer's and dementia in studies. Ginko is also a powerful antioxidant which stimulates the flow of blood into small capillaries. [For that reason, ginko may not be suitable for people who suffer form migraines.] Dr. Oz recommends taking 60mg of ginko.
Ginko biloba is an herb that, Dr. Weil explains, is showing indications of slowing the progression of Alzheimer's and dementia in studies. Ginko is also a powerful antioxidant which stimulates the flow of blood into small capillaries. [For that reason, ginko may not be suitable for people who suffer form migraines.] Dr. Oz recommends taking 60mg of ginko.

Dr. Oz Memory Enhancing Supplement #3: Phosphatidylserine
Phosphatidylserine, also called simply “PS”, is part of the structures of the cells and plays a role in protecting the memory. It is often used to help maintain mental focus during stressful or extremely active times. Dr. Oz recommends taking 200mg of PS.
Dr. Oz: Food as Inflammation Modulators
Foods have always been seen as medicines. Nutrition has the power to change and enhance how the body works.
Dr. Oz Inflammation Modulator #1: Brazil Nuts
Brazil nuts are high in magnesium and, as noted above, as well as high in selenium and improve retransmissions in the brain.
Dr. Oz Inflammation Modulator #2: Eggs
Eating 1 hard boiled egg a day provides choline to fuel the brain.
Dr. Oz Inflammation Modulator #3: Coffee
Drinking coffee every day provides antioxidants, magnesium and chromium all which improve those mental transmissions. Dr. Chopra shared that new research is showing that coffee drinkers may have a lower incidence of heart disease and fewer occurrences of heart arrhythmia.
Dr. Oz Inflammation Modulator #3: Triple Threat Seasoning
Mis 1 part turmeric with 2 parts sage and 3 parts ginger and use as a rub on salmon before cooking. This sounds like it would be great on chicken. The herbs help the satiety center which controls the feeling of fullness encouraging a lowered appetite and can play a role in weight loss.
Dr. Oz: Biggest Secret to Reducing Stress
The biggest mistakes we make in trying to managing stress is that we tend to think we can live life without stress and there's nothing we can do about stress
The top 3 stressful situations were discussed along with recommendations on how to reduce feelings of stress.
Dr. Oz Stress Reducer #1: Sunday Night Blues Stress
Feeling overwhelmed and lethargic Sunday afternoon lasting throughout the night.
Eating Dr. Weil's Stress Free Squash Soup is comforting, nourishing, protecting and warming. The ingredients come together to support metabolism to encourage energy, carotenoids to support brain function, along with vitamins and minerals which play a role in every aspect of the body.
Dr. Oz Stress Reducer #2: Holy basil
Holy basil is a stress suppressing supplement. Considered a miracle herb by Dr. Weil, holy basil is available in a liquid extract, powered pill form and in tea. Dr. Weil states that it can be taken long term for stress support and recommends taking it twice a day for a few months. Look for a good quality extract and follow the dosage on bottle.
from: Organic India USA
Dr. Oz Stress Reducer #3: Gentle Waking
A jarring alarm clock tone is a shocking way to wake up, literally. Gentle waking provides a more calm way to start the day. Dr. Oz recommends switching from blaring beep tone to calming harp music.
Dr. Oz Stress Reducer #4: Reduce PMS Symptoms
It's a vicious cycle, stress makes PMS symptoms worse and PMS creates a greater sensitivity to stress. Women who report high stress in their lives tend to report stronger PMS symptoms.
Reducing caffeine intake may help lessen feelings of stress. Drinking caffeine no later than 2pm may also help the body process through the caffeine before bed-time allowing for more normalized sleep patterns.
Black currant oil may help lessen PMS symptoms when taken at 500mg twice a day the week PMS starts as recommended by Dr. Oz. Black currant oil contains Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA) which helps to balance hormones.
Solaray Black Currant Seed Oil 600mg 90 Soft Gels - $14.73
from: Best Price Nutrition
[Evening Primrose Oil is often recommended for PMS symptoms as well. They two are not typically taken together, rather women tend to respond better to one than the other. So if black currant oil doesn't provide the support to the symptoms then perhaps evening primrose could be an option]
Solaray Black Currant Seed Oil 600mg 90 Soft Gels - $14.73
from: Best Price Nutrition
[Evening Primrose Oil is often recommended for PMS symptoms as well. They two are not typically taken together, rather women tend to respond better to one than the other. So if black currant oil doesn't provide the support to the symptoms then perhaps evening primrose could be an option]
Dr. Oz Stress Reducer #5: Sitting in Traffic
Why does traffic happen anyway? I've been baffled by traffic all my life or I've been really, really annoyed by it and try to avoid it whenever possible. Isn't everyone supposed to be moving? Why do they all sit still. My daughter has been oft quoted as telling traffic “we'll never get home if you people don't get out of our way!”
Playing calming music on CD or the radio can help lower the angry reactions commonly found when traffic comes to a standstill on the highway. Studies have shown that the chances of a heart attack dramatically increases when sitting in traffic for 3 hours. Classical music is excellent for lowering stress feelings. Dr. Weil and Dr. Chopra have shared their favorite medative music playlists on
When I do have to drive in traffic which, thankfully is infrequent, I try to get a book on CD from the library to listen to along the drive. Listening to an interesting story can make the ride actually enjoyable. I have even checked out lectures on CD by The Learning Company. During a 4-week period when I had to travel over 2 hours a day for training I listened to an entire college course on Buddhism – thoroughly enjoyable.
Dr. Weil shared a breathing technique that drivers can use to reduce feelings of stress in traffic called the 4-7-8 breath. Breathe in for count of 4, hold for a count of 7, and breathe out for a count of 8. Do this for four breathe cycles and repeat when necessary.
classical music is terrific, CD or station
Andy's fav classical music playlist
Dr. Oz says that caffeine can contribute to stress so turn to herbal tea instead. Green tea has less caffeine that coffee and would be a great way to reduce caffeine while providing beneficial nutrients. Try Organic India tea or passion flower tea to help support calming throughout the day.
Dr. Oz How-To Guide To Boost Energy Naturally
We are experiencing an exhaustion epidemic! Our population is obsessed with stimulants to overcome exhaustion. Boosting the metabolism, naturally, is a great way to increase energy without depleting the body.
Dr. Oz Boost Energy Naturally #1: Warm Water
In the morning, Dr. Chopra suggests drinking a glass of warm water first thing in the morning to cleanse the gastroinestinal system. He explains some say the secret to happiness is a good bowel movement and warm water can contribute to that happiness.
Dr. Oz Boost Energy Naturally #2: Sesame or Coconut Oil Massage
Before leaving the house use sesame oil or coconut oil to massage into the hand, wrist, ear lobes and forehead in a clockwise direction. The gentle motion and moisturizing oil calms nervous system while at the same time invigorating the senses, the combination decreases stress hormones.
Dr. Oz Boost Energy Naturally #3: Reverse Meal Patterns
In the afternoon reversing the meal pattern enables optimum digestion at peak times of activity. Eating dinner foods for breakfast and the main meal at lunch allows for food to be converted to energy and takes advantage of naturally high enzyme activity to breakdown and absorb nutrients.
Wash lunch down with ginseng tea to further promote digestion. It is a mild stimulant so it increases metabolism that will boost energy.
Dr. Oz Boost Energy Naturally #5: Sleep
- In the evening the metabolism naturally slows. Drinking lemon with ginger and honey in equal parts can improve digestion and increase metabolism.
- Take valerian root at the end of day to support sleep. Valerian is available in liquid extract, power inside capsules, and tea form.
- Dr. Oz says to time your sleep for more energy. Sleeping between the hours of 10pm and 6am can leave you feeling more rested than sleeping at any other time.
Dr. Oz: How to Handle Common Complaints
Dr. Deepak Chopra and Dr. Andrew Weil share what is in their holistic health medicine cabinets to address common complaints.
Dr. Oz Holistic How-To for The Common Cough
The common cough. Dr. Weil likes to breathe steam with 3-4 drops of oil of oregano in the water 3-4 times per day. Steaming helps to moisturize the sinus pathways and Dr. Weil says the oregano oil is a powerful antibacterial agent. They didn't specify if the oil could be an essential but given the price I'm guessing they are intending it to be essential oils.
Source Naturals Wellness Oil of Oregano Standardized to 70% Carvacrol 1 Fl Oz
from: Best Price Nutrition
Source Naturals Wellness Oil of Oregano Standardized to 70% Carvacrol 1 Fl Oz
from: Best Price Nutrition
Dr. Chopra takes 1 teaspoon of honey and sprinkle turmeric on it for a cough. Put in hot water, if desired for a warming, supportive tea. Take 3 -4 times a day.
Dr. Oz Holistic How-To for Indigestion
For indigestion, Dr. Weil recommends taking DGL to increase the mucus coating in the stomach and protect from stomach acid irritation. Chewable tablets can be taken before eating, after eating or before bed.
Dr. Chopra says he doesn't get indigestion, but if he did, said he would chew fresh ginger with a little lemon squeezed on it.
Dr. Oz Holistic How-To for Headaches
Dr. Weil says he doesn't get headaches but, for common tension headaches recommends a shoulder massage. For vascular or migraine headaches he recommends taking butterbur as a preventive, 75mg twice a day.
Life Extension 75mg Butterbur Extract with Standardized Rosmarinic Acid 60 Softgels - $33.00
from: Best Price Nutrition
Dr. Chopra mediates to relieve a headache. With palms up, close eyes and watch breath for a few seconds. Bring awareness to the chest where the heart beats, listen to the heart beat and tell the heart to slow down. Move awareness into the fingertips and see if you feel the throbbing of your heart in your finger tips. By going through these meditation can slow the heart rate, influence circulation to move into the limbs and lower the heart rate making headaches goes away.
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watched todays show and would like to know how many and how often to eat sage leaves for gingivitus
ReplyDeleteThanks for your question. The post for today's show has been published. Dr. Oz did not recommend an amount not how often to chew sage leaves to support better smelling breath. With anything new, it's always best to start slow and increase in small amounts if needed.
ReplyDeleteTalk with your doctor to see if sage could cause any interactions with medical treatments. Sage can effect mucus membranes in women and may play a role in disrupting milk supply. There could be other interactions as well so it's always best to check before starting something new.
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