The Dr. Oz Show
Airdate: 9/15/11
Dr. Oz: Are your Pee and Poop Normal?
- Are your Pee and Poop Normal?
- What could be causing those bags under your eyes?
- Beauty secrets to help your face look younger
- Foods to boost your memory
Dr. Oz's all time favorite things are the topics for today's show: pee and poop. Learn how to take advantage of a life-saving daily exam. By examining your pee and poop you could potentially find indicators of health concerns like kidney disease, diabetes, Crone’s disease.
Dr. Oz encourages every one to look before you flush.
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Dr. Oz: Are your Pee and Poop Normal?
The entire audience brought photos of their stool and a urine sample. Going through the four life-saving S's on a daily basis could help you get a sense of your overall health and could be proactive when things go off course.
Dr. Oz Poop Guide
The size and shape of your stool can help you figure out what's happening inside your body. The four life saving S's: shape, size, smell, and shade
Dr. Oz Poop Guide: Shape
Food coming into large intestine is a very liquid consistency. As the food moves through and reaches the colon it begins to form into an “S” and should be smooth, the ideal shape and consistency.
The poop scale shows 7 general shapes of stool for any given situation. Within that scale there are 3 fundamentals, the extremes.
- Smooth shape is normal, the stool glides into water.
- Marbles can be an indication of constipation, the stool sounds like bird dropping pellets from the sky, the water splatters.
- Watery can mean that the body is not absorbing nutrients and could be an indication of irritable bowel, Crone's, loss of minerals, diabetes, neurological issues.
Dr. Oz Poop Guide: Shade
The color of stool can be a clue to overall health and health concerns.
- Brown is a normal color for stool.
- Bright red stool could be an indication of bleeding from the lower intestinal track, diverticulitis, and even cancer.
- Green stool can be a warning sign of Crone's, of malabsorption of nutrients, undigested bile that was not removed while traveling through the intestinal track.
- Yellow stool can be an indication of gall bladder concerns showing that bile may not be releasing into the digestive system.
- White stool is a sign that the pancreas is not working properly from an infection in the pancreas or pancreatic cancer.
- Black stool could mean that blood is entering the stool from the upper intestinal track, could indicate gastric ulcers or too much iron in the diet.
Dr. Oz's Guide to Pee
Dr. Oz Pee Guide: The S's in pee
How much should you pee each day? Two liters is the average, normal amount that you should be urinating each day. The amount of urine that is expelled is a huge clue to overall health. Too little urine each day can be an indicator of dehydration or kidney concerns. Too much urine expelled each day could be a warning sign for diabetes where the sugar is washing out the kidneys. Medications can also cause too much urine to flow out of the body.
Port-a-potty question's for audience members. What? Yes, audience members exited a port-a-potty on the stage to ask Dr. Oz some important questions about their poop.
Is it a bad thing to have to push hard to eliminate?
Having to push hard to eliminate stool typically means that something is not quite right. The lining of the intestines and the anus are similar to the lips on our mouth. Think about squeezing rocks through your lips and imagine the damage that can do to the tissue on your lips. Pushing out stool can cause tares in the tissues of the intestines which can lead to hemorrhoids, anal fissures and possible infections. Dr. Oz recommends drinking prune juice that acts as a natural laxative.
Is it bad to hold in poop?
Holding in poop is not a good practice. There are toxins in the stool that is in the intestines and it's not good for the body to hold onto those toxins. Holding stool can lead to nerve damage and can cause pouches in the intestines where stool can get trapped.
Dr. Oz Pee Guide: Smell of urine
How should urine smell?
A mild smell to urine is normal.
A smell of ammonia that is strong and pungent can be an indication of dehydration especially combined with a dark color. To manage dehydration more fluids are needed.
A fruity smell can be a warning sign of diabetes as glucose is being metabolized.
Dr. Oz recommends to conduct a personal dipstick test. A dipstick test is routinely utilized in urinalysis by medical professionals to screen for diseases and diagnose medical conditions to determine. The test stripes can be purchased for at home use. A peachy-yellow color that appears when the stick is placed in urine is normal while a pink/red shows a risk for diabetes.
Dr. Oz: Poop Friendly Foods
Dr. Oz: Poop Friendly Foods: Fiber
An audience member who is constipated a couple times per week shared that she eats lots of pasta, bagels. White, processed flour ends up taking on the consistency of toothpaste by the time it gets into the intestines allowing the material to get stuck inside the bowels contributing to blockage.
Insoluble fiber in the diet along with adequate water support the bowels in moving through and eliminating material. Whole grains, flax seed, psyllium are examples of insoluble fibers.
Dr. Oz: Poop Friendly Foods: Peppermint Tea
Medications can come with the warning of constipation as a side effect. Pharmaceuticals will often slow down the process of moving material through the digestive track. Be aware of the side effects associated with medications so you can support your system through the issue.
Dr. Oz recommends drinking peppermint tea which tastes good, does not contain caffeine, and can play a role in moving material through the bowels.

Dr. Oz: Poop Friendly Foods: Straight Up Sugar
Loose stools in the morning was a complaint of one audience member who stated that she had started using artificial sweeteners as part of a new weight loss program. Artificial sweeteners are not absorbed by the body. They pull water into the bowels that is not reabsorbed in the digestive track contributing to watery or loose stools. Dr. Oz recommended that she use plain, old sugar instead of the artificial sweeteners.
Loose stools in the morning was a complaint of one audience member who stated that she had started using artificial sweeteners as part of a new weight loss program. Artificial sweeteners are not absorbed by the body. They pull water into the bowels that is not reabsorbed in the digestive track contributing to watery or loose stools. Dr. Oz recommended that she use plain, old sugar instead of the artificial sweeteners.
Dr. Oz: Poop Friendly Foods: BOAT Approach
Further, he recommended the “boat” approach to breakfast to support the body with both nutrients and insoluble fiber. Bananas, Oatmeal, Applesauce, and Toast (whole grain).
Dr. Oz: Under Eye Bags
Dr. Oz Baggy Eyes Culprit #1: Sleep
Your sleep position could be contributing to that eye luggage. Laying flat - on your chest or your side or your back - without pillows allows fluid to accumulate in the face and under the eyes. Using a pillow to keep the head up or elevating the mattress allows gravity to reduce the amount of fluid that flows to the head area.
Dr. Oz Baggy Eyes Culprit #2: Sodium
Too much salt in the diet, especially at night before bed, can allow fluid to accumulate under the eyes. When salt is ingested it goes into the kidneys and depending on the amount of salt the body may not be able to keep up. As we age collagen breaks down allowing the skin to stretch easily without restoring back to it's normal state. Fluid can then build up in that stretched skin.
Dr. Oz Baggy Eyes Culprit #3: Allergies
Allergens: dust, pollen, pet dander and fragrances in detergents and cleaners can literally accumulate under the eyes. The more material that accumulates the more the skin stretches giving that appearance that you are carrying your vacuum cleaner bag under your eyes.
Dr. Ox recommends washing pillows and linens frequently to reduce all those irritants from coming in contact with the face during sleep. Taking whole milk applied to a cotton ball and gently wiping onto the eye area, letting it sit for 10 minutes then wash off. Vitamins A and D in the milk when applied topically can reduce irritation and modulate inflammation. Another soothing option is to apply potato slices to the eyes – not cucumbers. Potato slices hold cool temperatures longer and the starch acts an astringent contributing to the tightening of the eye area.
Dr. Oz: Beauty Secrets to Take Years off Your Face
Dr. Oz discussed the four common facial concerns that viewers complain about most.
Dr. Oz Beauty Secret for Dull skin
To brighten skin you may already in have the fix in your medicine cabinet. Dr. Oz recommends a facial mask from Pepto-Bismol® does the same thing on the face as in the stomach: coats skin, sucks out toxins, and cleans out the pours. Apply to the face with a cotton ball, wait 10 minutes to dry, then peel off skin when done.
I have one question. What makes Pepto-Bismol® pink? Could it be artificial ingredients? I don't know but I'm going to find out.
My recommendation is to use a clay mask. Red and green clays are readily available in supermarkets and natural food stores. I love Now European clay which runs about $5 or less. I will mix the clay with castor oil instead of water. With water, the clay mask tightens and drys my skin which I find uncomfortable. Castor oil is known to draw out toxins when applied topically providing a double punch to toxins plus it moisturieses skins and supports healing.
Dr. Oz Beauty Secret for Chapped lips
Take 1 tablespoon of sweet almond oil and mix with 1 tablespoon of sugar. Brush onto lips with toothbrush to exfoliate dead skin and moisturize. It may take a few applications to see desired results. Be gentle with the toothbrush on the lips so the that they don't become irritated.
Dr. Oz Beauty Secret for Fine lines and Wrinkles
Dr. Oz has used Manuka honey in the hospital for wounds that are having trouble healing. Apply Manuka honey on concern areas on the face, take a little taste for good measure, let the honey sit for a few minutes and the rinse with warm water. Honey can gently exfoliate the skin through its natural enzymes.

Dr. Oz Memory Boosting Foods
In a turkey, swiss cheese and tomato sandwich which part contains lycopene?
It's the tomato, of course. Dr. Oz recommends eating 3-4 tomato slices everyday to give memory a boost of power.
Which drink is supportive of memory? Cranberry juice, orange juice, or milk?
Dr. Oz recommend drinking 1 cup of orange juice 1 cup a day with pulp.
In the “In Case You Missed It Section” at the end of the show, Dr. Oz mentioned eating pumpkin seeds daily to support the memory through their high level of zinc. I missed that during the show as it's good that he mentioned it at the end of the show.
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