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Saturday, December 1, 2012

Watching Dr Oz Quiz 12/1/12: Aging

Which of the following health concerns is a sign that you could be aging too fast?

A. Loss of hearing
B. Losing sense of smell
C. Dry mouth
D. Hair loss

Click on for the answer to this week's quiz.


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The Answer:
All of the above!

Your Answers:
Loss of hearing
Losing sense of smell
Dry mouth
Hair loss

The Answer: All of the above!
The answer to this week's WatchingDrOz quiz is: All of the above!

On the 11/21/12 episode of The Dr. Oz Show: 7 Aging Red Flags, Dr. Oz discussed seven health concerns that could point to aging too fast. This week's quiz features four of the seven aging red flags featured on the show.

Loss of Hearing
A long held myth that the hearing starts to go as we age is a myth, said Dr. Oz. A loss of hearing is connected to aging but the connection is that losing the sense of sound is a sign that the body is aging too quickly. Early stages of Alzheimer's disease include plaque developing within the brain that limit the communication between brain cells and can even limit hearing along with memory.

Losing Sense of Smell
An early sign of Parkinson's disease is a loss of the sense of smell. Test your sense of smell with an alcohol swab, one of those little alcohol packs found in first-aid kits. Ideally, you should begin to smell the alcohol when it is 12-18 inches away from the nose. If you can't smell the alcohol until it's closer to the nose, as close as four inches, it's important to talk to your doctor and see if you're at risk for early on-set of Parkinson's disease.

Dry Mouth
Sleep apnea can be a leading cause of feeling tired during the day but sleep apnea can also be aging you too fast. Sleep apnea can also lead to high blood pressure and heart disease. One sign of excessive snoring and sleep apnea is waking with a dry mouth.

Hair Loss
Take off your shoes and socks to see how much hair is on your feet and toes. Not having any hair on the feet and toes can be a signs of vascular concerns such as stroke and heart attack. Hormones may cause a loss of hair on the feet however it can also be a sign of vascular disease that is aging the body too fast.

Vascular health concerns create an issue of reduced circulation throughout the body caused by plaque build up and high cholesterol. When blood is not flowing to the skin then hair follicles don't receive nutrients causing hair to die and the skin to become smooth.

If you notice a loss of hair in the feet along with a smoothing of the skin, it's time to call your doctor.


Thanks for participating in this week's WatchingDrOz Quiz!

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