The Dr. Oz Show
Airdate: June 4, 2012
The Dr. Oz Approved 7-Day Crash Diet
- The only crash diet approved by Dr. Oz: The 7-Day Crash Diet
- Secrets to cut cravings from women who lost hundreds on pounds on Dr. Fuhrman's plan
- Solutions to the most annoying and common problems
- Fast fixes are provided for your worst hair problems
- Summer survival guide for your dog
- Bonus Tips: More natural solutions to annoying problems
Want to go from fat to fit fast? Need
to get skinny by next week? Dr. Oz says you can watch your fat
disappear on the only crash diet he has put his stamp of approval. If
you think lose weight takes too long, Dr. Oz says all you need is
seven days to start the process. He says he's found a doctor who has
cracked the code on fast weight loss and you can eat all you want –
of the right foods – and still lose weight.
Stay up-to-date with
Watching Dr Oz:
The Dr. Oz Approved 7-Day Crash
Joel Fuhrman, author of Eat
to Live: The Amazing Nutrient-Rich Program for Fast and Sustained
Weight Loss, says he can
show you how to lose a dress size in one week. He has helped 20,000
patients throughout his career.
Dr. Oz
and Dr. Fuhrman went to medical school together. Dr. Oz refers
patients to Dr. Fuhrman when they need help losing weight and says
he's amazed by the results.
key to success on his plan says Dr. Fuhrman is that most diets focus
on cutting calories but his plan is about filling up on high nutrient
foods that are low in calories. Flood your body with nutrients to
lose weight, he says, and the more you eat of the good stuff the
faster you'll burn fat.
foods without nutrients are eaten the brain understands that the food
didn't provide nutrients so the brain sends messages to the body to
eat more food in and effort to get nutirents.
Dr Oz
showed a bowl of chips that total 1,000 calories alongside a big tube
of vegetables which also totaled 1,000 calories. Which had more food?
The tube of veggies, of course. Eating a large quantity of healthy
vegetables is going to make people feel full while getting all the
nutrients the body needs.
Fuhrman says people on his plan will lose their toxic hunger for
foods that don't provide nutrients and will help people make a
life-time change to eating healthy foods all the time. People are
eating real food full of micro-nutrients and getting all their
nutrients from food.
Dr. Oz 7-Day Crash Diet Step
#1: Follow the 90/10 Rule Every Day
Step one in the Dr. Fuhrman's 7-Day
Crash Diet is to fill up on the foods that fill you up. 90% of food
intake in step one is fruits, veggies, beans, and seeds. The other
10% of food will be from meat, dairy, and eggs. Using the 90/10 rule
for the first week of your new eating plan will jump-start your
weight loss.
Dr. Fuhrman showed what a typical day
of food looks like on his 7-Day Crash Diet.
Oz 7-Day Crash Diet: Light
and Lean Breakfast
Breakfast should be light and lean and
not filled with heavy protein foods. Dr. Fuhrman says to enjoy a bowl
of oatmeal with fresh fruit and seeds. He says starting the day with
foods that won't overwork your body will support that important
detoxification. No sugar or sweeteners should be added tot he oatmeal
as the natural sugars from the fruit should be enough and is not
toxic for the body.
Oz 7-Day Crash Diet: Belly-Blasting
Bean Lunch
Bean are a dieters best friend, says
Dr. Fuhrman. Beans melt fat in four ways, he explains:
- Fill you up
- Lower insulin levels
- Full of resistant starch
- Beans turn into a fatty acid that accelerates fat loss
The following are recipes features on recommended for lunch on Dr. Fuhrman's 7-Day Crash Diet.
Click the name to be redirected to the recipe.
Oz 7-Day Crash Diet: Lean
Green Skinny Supper
Enjoy a delicious pizza and an eggplant
roll up that will accelerate fat loss. Dr. Oz says if you eat this
you will lose weight.
Click here for the Easy
Vegetable Pizza recipe. Click here for the recipe for Eggplant
[On, there is also a
recipe for Asian Vegetable Stir-Fry that is suitable for a Skinny
Supper and a great source of non-dairy calcium. Sesame seeds, used in
the recipe, contain 10 times the amount of calcium per calorie as
milk. Click
here for the Asian Vegetable Stir-Fry recipe.
Oz 7-Day Crash Diet Step #2: Use Secret Weapons
secret weapon on Dr. Fuhrman's 7-Day Crash Diet are BOM's. B is for
berries, O is for onions, and M is for mushrooms. Dr. Fuhrman says
BOM's have properties that blast fat from the body. Known as
Anti-angiogenic foods, BOM's have the ability to cut off blood supply
to fat cells essentially starving them. Berries keep glucose and
insulin balanced. Dr. Fuhrman says to eat them everyday.
Dr. Oz 7-Day Crash Diet Step
#3: Detox With Skinny Shakes
burn fat quickly, you also have to drink the right drink. Dr. Fuhrman
has developed a Skinny Shake that features strawberries to lower
insulin and glucose levels. He says the drink is filled with
anti-inflammatory properties that help the body to release toxins.
Drinking the Skinny Shake will help people not be hungry during the
Skinny Shake
1 cup of ice
4 ounces of pomegranate juice
4 ounces of water
1 cup frozen strawberries
Squeeze of lemon
Add all ingredients to a blender and
enjoy. Add water to reach your desired consistency.
Dr. Oz 7-Day Crash Diet:
Bonus Tip
Dr. Oz says Dr. Fuhrman is diabolically
wise with this program. During the 7-Day program you eat the right
foods, drink the right drink, and include BOM's daily but exercise is
not needed. [Gasp!] It's surprising to not exercise during the first
week of this program but Dr. Fuhrman explains that people do this
program because they are ill and don't have enough energy to
exercise. Over the first week people begin to feel healthier and once
they feel better they can then begin an exercise program.
Dr. Oz says Dr. Fuhrman's 7-Day Crash
Diet is the most effective diet he has ever seen. People who have
lost weight over a long period of time learn to incorporate the
principles of the program into a lifestyle that helps them to sustain
their weight loss.
Dr. Oz: Secrets to Overcome Food
Cravings for Weight Loss Success
The hardest part of diet is curbing
cravings, says Dr. Oz. He shares the stories of three women who
followed Dr. Fuhrman's diet plan and lost hundreds of pounds
combined. The women share their secrets to beating food cravings for
good and the recipes they used to do it.
Dr. Oz: Secret
to Curb Salt Craving
Susan lost 210 pounds on Dr. Fuhrman's
plan saying she turned to the program to live after years of trying
to find her own way. She eats a lot of chickpeas and is always
looking for new ways to eat them. Her Italian Chickpea Popcorn kept
her away from the unhealthy salty foods and provided her with a
fat-burning healthy option.
(15 oz) can chick peas, drained
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp olive oil
Preheat oven to 350° F. Mix chickpeas
with all ingredients. Spread on a baking sheet and bake for 45
minutes or a bit longer until they’re extra crispy.
Dr. Oz: Secret
to Curb Carb Cravings
lost 91 pounds on Dr. Fuhrman's plan and discovered a way to enjoy
pasta without the extra calories. White pasta, she says, makes you
want more but her Cheesy Pasta Supreme is from quinoa pasta that is
satisfying without the calories then add filling greens and you have
a wonderful meal that fits the Dr. Fuhrman program.
cloves garlic
2 tbsp diced shallots
1 (8 oz) box quinoa pasta
15 cups chopped kale
1/2 cup sun dried tomatoes
1/2 tsp red pepper flakes
2 tbs tahini
1 cup nutritional yeast
Sauté garlic and a little shallot
together with the freshly-rised kale. (If you’re using frozen kale,
sauté in low or no-sodium veggie broth). As the greens and quinoa or
quinoa pasta are cooking, throw them into the pan with the garlic and
shallot. Rehydrate sun-dried tomatoes in hot water.
Just before serving, throw 1 cup of
nutritional yeast, 2 tbsp of tahini, and a small amount of red pepper
flakes into the pan with the sun-dried tomatoes. In place of salt,
try a squeeze of lemon or a dash or pepper.
Dr. Oz: Secret
to Curb Sweet Cravings
lost 102 pounds on the Dr. Fuhrman plan after 20 years of living with
obesity and being severely addicted to food. She says she dieted
herself to obesity with starvation and depriving diets. Dr. Fuhrman's
program was the first time she was able to actually eat as much food
as she liked. With a craving for sweets, she created a bean brownie
with dates to satisfy her craving for sugar while providing balancing
and filling fiber from the beans. She makes her own ice cream
alternative with frozen bananas and blueberries, and walnuts whipped
in a blender.
Dr. Oz Incredible
Solutions to Common Problems
Oz has quick fixes for common body problems that drive people crazy.
Dr. Oz Quick Fix for
Calluses on Feet: Does
it Work or Is It Crazy
parts of skin on the feet from rubbing on shoes and walking. Dr. Oz
recommends using licorice paste on your feet to get rid of calluses.
It sounds like a crazy fix but Dr. Oz says it works. Licorice paste
contains phytoestrogens soften the skins and you can sand off the
calluses or let them disappear on their own.
Dr. Oz Quick Fix for Brittle
Nails: Does it Work or Is It Crazy
is an old-school fix that is supposed to support stronger nail
growth. Dr. Oz says gelatin is just plain crazy he explains that it
comes from cow hooves which have protein. He says it's the right idea
but the wrong kind of protein for the nails. Dr. Oz recommends an
olive oil soak to help strengthen the nails. Soak the nails for 15
minutes at least once week or daily so the nails won't crack so
Dr. Oz Quick Fix for
Dandruff: Does it Work
or Is It Crazy
is caused by a yeast fungus that eats fatty oils secreted by hair
follicles which triggers the body to produce skin cells on the scalp
too fast. A rosemary tea rinse has long been recommended to support
scalp and hair growth but does it work or is it crazy? Dr. Oz says
that's crazy and instead recommends applying coconut oil to scalp.
Lauric acid in coconut oil is a natural anti-fugal. During a shower,
apply coconut oil to the scalp at the beginning, let sit on the scalp
then rise off.

Dr. Oz Styling Fixes for
Worse Hair Problems
Licari, celebrity colorist and stylist to the stars joins Dr. Oz to
share the best secrets to solve the worst hair disasters.
Dr. Oz Fix for Hair Disaster
#1: Frizzy, Fly-Away
Licari recommends using argan oil on the hair and to then blow dry
hair. This is a quick fix to nourish and moisturize the hair. If
there is high humidity or its' a windy day, just a little bit more
argan oil and blow dry again. The bonus is argan oil can also be used
on the skin.

Dr. Oz Fix for Hair Disaster
#2: Grey Hair
hairs sneak up you even if you color the hair regularly. Mr. Licari
recommends using a hair color marker to paint out greys which can
help reduce the total amount of coloring chemicals applied to the
hair causing more damage. Instead, use the marker to touch up areas
of grey.
Dr. Oz Fix for Hair Disaster
#3: Thinning Hair
hair can leaves hair flat. Mr. Licari says the simple fix is to use
product [hair spray] to provide volume. Either flip the hair over and
apply hair spray all over or take a little more time and apply hair
spray to small sections of hair, hold for a second to dry product,
then style hair.
Dr. Oz Fix for Hair Disaster
#4: Over Treated Hair
many color treatments ages the hair. Put hair back into good
condition with oil treatments then apply hair glaze to make hair
shinny and vibrant. Mr. Licari says glaze is great for lighter color
hair. Hair coloring should look natural and improving the health of
the hair can help achieve that and will make you and your hair look
younger, he says.
Dr. Oz Guide to Summer
for Your Pet
getting ready for summer,veterinarian Jeff Werber says don't forget
your furry friend. Dogs need some extra care during summer too.
Dr. Oz Summer Pet Guide Tip
#1: Get a Check-Up
a change in the season it's a good time to take the dog in for an
annual exam. Dogs typically are getting more exercise during the
summer and it's important to make sure they are healthy and ready for
the activity.
- Check toenails and trim if necessary
- Brush out the coat daily
- Don't shave your dog as their coat acts as an insulator for the heat and can help keep your dog cool in hot temperatures
Dr. Oz Summer Pet Guide Tip
#2: SPF 30
can get sunburned too especially on the nose and areas where their
fur is more thin such as the ears and the belly. Dr. Werber says to
apply sunscreen with SPF 30 to prevent a sunburn. [Wouldn't you want
to check if the dog would lick off the sunscreen and if so then make
a greater effort to limit sun exposure is the dog is prone to a sun
burn instead of taking the risk of ingesting the sunscreen? Just a
Dr. Oz Summer Pet Guide Tip
#3: Car Safety
Werber says to keep your dog safe in the car by keeping them somewhat
confined, especially little dogs who may like to crawl under your
feet. He showed a harness that fits comfortable over the dogs chest
and attaches to the seat belt while allow a small amount of movement.
A crate can also be used to limit a dogs movement while in the car.
love to hang their head out the window and we are more likely to let
them when the weather is warmer. Be careful to keep your dog safe.
Dr. Werber says to only roll the window down half way and lock the
window so the dog can't roll the window up or down accidentally. If
it's extra dusty or smoggy Dr. Werber says it's best to close the
windows and run the AC. That dirty air can irritate dogs eyes and
Dr. Oz Summer Pet Guide Tip
#4: Be Safe In The Heat
leave a dog in a car alone, not even for five minutes in the summer,
says Dr. Werber. In the shade during the summer a car can reach 120
degrees in as little as 12 minutes even with the windows down. Heat
stroke is a serious issue for any dog. Dogs who are over weight, very
young or old, or infirmed are more likely to suffer heat stroke.
of heat stroke in dogs:
- Heavy panting
- Faster heartbeat
- Blood in stool
- Drooling
- Hot to the touch
Werber says it's important to know your dogs normal temperature so
you can monitor them while in the heat. Test the dog's temperature
under their arm on around the groin area while the dog is at rest so
you're aware.
your dog during the early morning or later in the evening when the
temperatures are cooler can help lessen risks of heat stroke.
water out for your dog at all times to encourage proper hydration.
Dr. Oz Summer Pet Guide Tip
#5: Proper Nutrition
nutrition is important at all times and may be especially important
during the summer months. Dr. Werber recommends Pedagree Brand dog
food saying it has greater digestibility, support for the immune
system, and the skin. Pedagree contains Vitamin E for the immune
system and the canned food contains essential fatty acids, zinc,
Vitamin B6, and biotin.
is a perception that canned dog food is as good as dry food and may
lead to dental issues. Dr. Werber says canned food has a different
nutrient profile then kibble and combining the two can give your dog
the best in nutrition. Canned food can also provide variety to your
dog's diet and they typically enjoy the taste.
Dr. Oz Bonus Tips! All
Natural Fixes For Annoying Body Problems
Dr. Oz Natural Fix for Bad
Oz recommends drinking green tea to combat bad breath. He says green
tea contains antioxidants that help kill bacteria in the mouth.

Dr. Oz Natural Fix for Split
As a fix for split ends, Dr. Oz recommends applying beer onto the hair and scalp and let it sit. Proteins and vitamins in the beer help to repair damaged hair.
Dr. Oz Natural Fix for
sooth a sunburn, Dr. Oz recommends using potatoes. One fix is to cut
the potatoes and hold the white flesh to the burned area. Another fix
is to puree potatoes with water to make a soupy mixture and apply to
the sunburned area then rinse off. Dr. Oz says the starch in potatoes
soothes the skin and phytochemicals in potatoes support skin repair.
Place your vote for
this week's quiz
and return on Saturday
for the answer.
Thank you for making
Watching Dr Oz a success!
is dr.fuhrman's book eat to live in book stores?
ReplyDeleteYour best bet would be to call your local bookstore. As noted below, Dr. Fuhrman's book is available on Amazon. I searched on Barnes and Noble's website and it looks like they can at least ship to a store.
ReplyDeleteI dont know if it is in book stores but i just bought one today on