The Dr. Oz Show
Airdate: January 19, 2012
Dr. Oz's #1 Secret for You to Lose Weight Instantly
- Elisabeth Hasselbeck talks about going gluten-free
- What happens in your favorite restaurant could be making you sick
- Three restaurant foods you should never, ever order
- Three foods that can help to lower your cholesterol, naturally
Elisabeth Hasselbeck shares her decade-long health struggle that led her to a gluten-free lifestyle. Dr. Oz says that removing, or limiting gluten, is the #1 secret to lose weight. Could exhaustion, weight gain, joint pain and headaches all be signs that your body is intolerant to gluten? Learn about celiac disease, how to identify gluten containing and gluten-free foods and how to cook gluten-free with Ms. Hasselbeck.
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Watching Dr Oz:
Dr. Oz's #1 Secret for You to Lose Weight Instantly
Elisabeth Hasselbeck, co-host of The View and author of the recently published Deliciously G-Free: : Food So Flavorful They'll Never Believe It's Gluten-Free gluten-free cookbook, [and The G-Free Diet: A Gluten-Free Survival Guide, she also finished fourth in the 2001 season of Survivor.
Ms. Hasselbeck, who has celiac disease, suffered with symptoms for 10 years before finding a diagnosis that lead her back to health. Now she helps to raise awareness of the disease.
Celiac, explained Ms. Hasselbeck, is an auto-immune disorder that causes the body to attack itself when gluten enters the body. Some people believe having celiac means staying away from carbohydrates. It's not about carbohydrates, the diagnosis requires that the patient stays away from gluten in all forms, in all products.
For people with celiac or a gluten allergy or gluten sensitivity eating, or using products, that contain gluten causes widespread inflammation in the body. Getting rid of the cause, gluten, and substitute it with other foods that support the body, people report that they start feeling better right away.
Ms. Hasselbeck says she began to suspect food and gluten as the source of her illness when she went on Survivor in the Australian outback. She was eating mainly fish and rice and began to feel better. Not eating gluten helped give her the stamina to last her 39 days in the outback. When she returned to America she returned to her old eating habits and started to feel bad again. At that point she began to research and look into gluten-related health issues.
Dr. Oz showed an animation to explain what happens when gluten enters the body. When eating a sandwich, with gluten containing bread, the nutrients go through the intestines where they are absorbed into the thin tissue layer, where the small villi hairs are located. If the person has a gluten sensitivity, allergy or has celiac, the villi become damaged, shrink and shrivel, and become resistant to absorbing to nutrients.
A person with celiac can end up starving, even though they are eating, because the body is unable to absorb nutrients from food. [Damage to the nervous system can be sustained from long-term undiagnosed celiac disease.]
Symptoms of Celiac Disease
- Hypothroidism
- Weight gain
- Infertility
- Anemia
- Osteoporosis
Ms. Hasselback said this was her diagnosis. Dr. Oz says we often talk about and complain about these issues but don't do anything about it. Surprisingly, 99% of people with gluten issues don't know they have a food-related issue.
Deliciously G-Free cookbook is, what Ms. Hasselbeck calls, a happy gluten-free cookbook. She explained that once she received a diagnosis of celiac, she went through a period where she was afraid of food, then because food is social she became phobic of eating out. The cookbook came about because she wanted to have fun cooking, wanted to enjoy family recipes, and she didn't want to keep making separate meals for everyone in her family.
Dr. Oz recommends practicing a gluten-free diet for two weeks and if you feel better with it, there may be a gluten sensitivity or even celiac disease.
Dr. Oz: Could Common Health Complaints Be Symptoms of Gluten Issues?
Dr. Oz explained that symptoms of gluten issues can range from exhaustion, weight gain, headaches and join pain. He and Ms. Hasselbeck took a trip to a Whole Foods store in New York and set up hidden cameras to see if shoppers where secretly sabotaging their health with their grocery purchaes.
Ali, age 34 and mother of 3, complains of bloating. Hidden cameras found her shopping in the bread area and then moving over to the pasta aisle. She has good intentions but is overlooking the main culprit: wheat. Ali tells Dr. Oz and Ms. Hasselbeck that she always feels terrible and is ready for a plan to improve her health.
Lisa, age 43, feels fatigued all the time. She was found shopping for soy sauce. She's completely unaware that the product she is about to buy contains gluten.
Renee, age 40 with three children under the age of five, complains of headaches. She's found shopping in the body care section testing lip gloss colors. She thinks it's a safe zone but many body care items contain gluten.
The main offenders in gluten issues are grains. Ali filled her cart with whole grains thinking she was making healthy choices. The majority of pasta and breads contain gluten but there are gluten-free choices if you look for them.
Quinoa – full of magnesium and protein, can be used in place of couscous (small grains of wheat) just like rice. [Quinoa doesn't have much flavor on it's own, it picks up flavors of the foods it's cooked with.]
Corn – Ms. Hasselbeck pointed to ears of corn recommending it as an alternative to wheat. [Corn is on the list of the most highly allergenic foods, right next to gluten and soy. People with celiac and other gluten issues often have challenges digesting food on the allergenic list. For those with severe gluten issues, in the early stages of recovery it might wise to stay away from foods that are harder to digest.]
Bread – Ms. Hasselbeck recommends Udi's gluten-free breads. [There are many gluten-free breads available in conventional grocery stores as well as health food stores. Which one is the best? That depends on you and often a lot of trial and error. Be careful, gluten-free breads also tend to be quite expensive. I've tried several brands, and Udi's ranks up there as one of the best tasting GF breads. My favorite GF bread is the San Juan 7- Grain by Canyon Bakehouse.]
Ms. Hasselbeck explained that there are many options for packaged cookies and sweets. She said they are not hard to find if you know what you are looking for. [Read labels and find the words “gluten free” or “contains no gluten”.]
Sneaky Sources of Gluten
Lisa was making a classic shopping mistake by getting soy sauce without reading the label. Many people just think of grain based products as containing gluten however many other products on grocery shelves will contain gluten.
Chicken broth, soy sauce, condiments, nutrition bars and beers often contain gluten yet many people do not check the label. Lisa said she would have never picked things as having gluten.
Broth – Pacific chicken broth is labeled “gluten free”. [The Pacific Foods homepage has a coupon! Click here!]
Salad Dressing – most salad dressing will contain gluten. Annie's brand of dressing has a gluten-free line.
Soy sauce – Ms. Hasselbeck says to look for wheat-free tamari. [That's terribly misleading. “Wheat-free” on a label does not mean it's free of gluten. A product labeled wheat-free may still have other gluten containing grains. If it says wheat-free, still check the label.]
Beer – Redridge Beer is gluten-free and, according to Lisa, Dr. Oz and Ms. Hasselbeck, doesn't taste any different than gluten containing beer. [ has a list of gluten-free beers as well as reviews.]
Snack bars – NoGii bars [developed by Ms. Hasselbeck] are gluten-free and the bar that Ms. Hasselbeck turns to for a quick snack or while traveling.
Beauty Products
Renee complains of migraines and headaches all the time. She says it's hard to get through her daily routine with her children while she is suffering from a migraine or a headache. She can't imagine skin care items have gluten or that it mattered because you're not ingesting them. Dr. Oz clarified that certainly your not eating them but when they come in contact with the skin they are absorbed into the body.
Ms. Hasselbeck countered by explaining if you use hand soap and lotions that contain gluten then prepare a salad then you just contaminated the salad with gluten.
Ms. Hasselbeck says that most Crest brand products are gluten-free. Dove brand has made a broad statement that their products are gluten-free and Ms. Hasselbeck says she supports that. Garnier Fructis hair spray is gluten-free. And for the lip-gloss lover in Renee, Burt's Bees lip gloss is gluten-free.
All of these products are available in mainstream stores. Consumers do not have to shop at special stores to get gluten-free products anymore, they just need to know what to look for.
How do you know cosmetics are gluten-free?
Look at the label. If there is not a specific “gluten-free” statement on the cosmetics label that doesn't mean it isn't. Many cosmetics manufactures do not label their products as such. Ms. Hasselbeck encourages consumers to call the company and ask if they are gluten-free, and if they are then to also ask for better labeling.
[This list is just a sampling of products that may contain gluten. The reality is that any product can contain gluten from vitamins to body care items and certainly grocery items. If gluten is an issue then reading labels is going to be a life-long activity.
Working in natural foods, I've met so many people who were working gluten issues after being diagnosed with celiac. They shared that after cutting out all gluten from their diet they were still testing positive for gluten in their system. Shopping through the store with them, they were still using lotions, shampoos, soaps, make-ups and vitamins that all contained gluten. There are many more hidden sources of gluten.
For more information on celiac disease visit, a national non-profit dedicated to raising awareness of celiac disease.]
Featuring rice noodles, spices, and vegetables this dish looks delicious. Dr. Oz says the nutrients in this dish will help to soothe an flatten the belly. He compared the nutritional profile of a standard take-out Pad Thai against Ms. Hasselbeck's version.
The Numbers:
The Numbers:
Take-out Pad Thai:750 calories per serving and 23g of fat.
Ms. Hasselbeck's Gluten-Free Pad Thai: 410 calories and 11g of fat.
Click here for the full recipe on
Click here for the full recipe on
Dr. Oz said he has the solution to common complaints: gluten. He encourages people to go gluten-free for two weeks and see how you do.[ has posted a Gluten Glossary to help you identify sources of gluten on food labels. Check it out here.
Need more help and information? Check out this blog: This site provides a nice starting point from a woman with GF experience as well as recipes.
When starting on a gluten-free diet, many customers would look to replace the grain that were making them not so healthy. Pasta, bread, and cookies were often the first on the list. But these foods are lacking for nutrition. If the goal is to get healthy, gluten-free or otherwise, it's smart to limit the processed grains.
As Dr. Oz and nutritionist around the world would recommend, fill most of your plate with a rainbow of veggies and lean protein and then add a smattering of whole grains – in this case gluten-free whole grains.]

As Dr. Oz and nutritionist around the world would recommend, fill most of your plate with a rainbow of veggies and lean protein and then add a smattering of whole grains – in this case gluten-free whole grains.]

Dr. Oz Restaurant Secrets Jeopardizing Your Health
Michael Symon, professional chef, one of the Food Network's Iron Chefs, co-host on The Chew [(Daphene Oz, Dr. Oz's daughter, started the show) and author of Michael Symon's Live to Cook: Recipes and Techniques to Rock Your Kitchen] joined The Dr. Oz Show today to talk about nutritional dangers in restaurant meals that could be jeopardizing your health. What happens behind the closed kitchen door?
Waiters and waitresses from around the country confided their industry secrets, all identities were confidential.
Here's what they had to say about what goes on behind closed doors:
- Don't eat fish on Sunday, it's never fresh.
- Waiters often don't wash their hands after using the bathroom.
- If the restaurant is really busy, the plates aren't washed only rinsed.
- Uneaten bread goes to the next customer.
- Utensils dropped on the kitchen go out to the table without being wash.
Chef Symon says it's important to know your favorite restaurant and use these tips to keep your health out of jeopardy. He says the restaurant business is a tough industry and it's hard to make money. Restaurants will cut corners to increase profits so it's important to know these tips to spot when a restaurant may not be as clean as you think.
Dr. Oz added that not all restaurants do this, but many do.
Dr. Oz Dirty Restaurant Secret #1: Lemons
Lemons in restaurants are often as dirty as the floor! The fruit delivered to the restaurant usually is not washed on arrival. From there it touches the dirty hands of kitchen and wait staff as well as the counters that might not be so clean.
Dr. Oz ordered five meals that included a lemon wedge from five restaurants and had the lemons tested in a lab. They found mold, bacteria and Candida Albicans – the yeast found in the mouth as well as the vagina. What is it doing on the lemon?
If you're going to have a lemon with your drink or your meal, ask for the lemon on the side so you can squeeze out the juice yourself and possibly limit the amount of contamination that gets on your food. [You might want to go wash your hands after touching the lemon and before eating your food or taking a sip of your drink.]
Chef Symon says to remember that you get what you pay for so if a restaurant deal is too good then avoid it because there is probably something wrong going on.
Dr. Oz Dirty Restaurant Secret #2: The Bathroom
Check the bathroom of the restaurant. If the bathroom is dirty then the kitchen is as dirty if not even more dirty. Also take a look at the staff and the outside of the restaurant. If the people and these areas are not clean then the kitchen isn't going to be either. Dr. Oz added that if the trash can in the bathroom is more than ½ full that means no one is checking on them and might not be taking care in the kitchen.
Dr. Oz Dirty Restaurant Secret #3: Buffets Are Breading Grounds For Bacteria
At buffet table, the food sits above a steam warmer and the air above the food tray is cool. The food at the bottom of the tray is hot, the food at the top of the tray is cool and the food in the middle of the tray is warm. Warm air is the perfect breading ground bacteria.
Dr. Oz had buffet food tested by the lab at West Virginia University. There was no mention of the bacteria content because everyone was so surprised that the eggs were not real eggs but a liquid substitute.
Chef Symon says if you're going to go to a buffet go there earlier in the day when the food is fresher but know that you are still going to egg substitute and not whole eggs.
Dr. Oz Dirty Restaurant Secret #4: Decaff Coffee is Passed Off as Caffeinated After 8pm
Chef Symon admits that this happens in his restaurant. He recommends ordering and espresso if it's after 8pm and you really want he caffeine in your drink.
[From what I could understand, toward the end of the day in a restaurant there is more decaff left than regular coffee so they simply fill the cups with the decaff.]
Dr. Oz Three Meals To Always Avoid At A Restaurant
Chef Symon continued with the three meals to never, ever order at a restaurant because you're not getting what you think.
Dr. Oz Restaurant Meal to Avoid #1: Never Order the Special
Chef Symon says there is never anything special about the special at a restaurant. The special is comprised of food from the cooler that about to go bad.
Dr. Oz Restaurant Meal to Avoid #2: Veal
Never is a strong word, says Chef Symon, but, again, you get what you pay for. If Veal Parmesan is listed for $9.99 then the restaurant may be using pork or another protein that costs less and can be disguised. Veal is one of the most expensive items on the menu so if the price is too low then it probably isn't veal.
Dr. Oz Restaurant Meal to Avoid #3: “All You Can Eat”
Again, says Chef Symon, you get what you pay for. The quality of protein in a buffet is so low - it's the lowest grade of the lowest grade of protein. If you really want to fill up on large portions from a buffett then Chef Symon recommends going for the pasta, veggies, and grains. These are foods that the restaurant owner can afford to customers fill up them without losing money.
Dr. Oz's Food Pharmacy: Best Foods To Lower Cholesterol
Dr. Oz says, and he says this often, food is medicine that you can eat three times a day. He says that the foods he's recommending today can be as powerful as medications at lowering cholesterol.
William Li, MD and President of the Angiogenesis Foundation, joins Dr. Oz to talk about the best foods that can have meaningful impact on cholesterol.
Mustard Greens
Mustard greens are the leaves from the same plant that provides mustard seeds used to make Dijon mustard. Pharmaceuticals have been developed from the leaves of the mustard plant, says Mr. Li, and have been shown to lower cholesterol by as much as 20%.
Eating mustard greens can potentially have a profound impact on cholesterol levels in the body. Dr. Li recommends eating one cup of raw mustard greens or ½ cup steamed, every day. Dr. Oz says to try this before starting medications.
Dark Chicken Meat
Dr. Oz says he was surprised that dark chicken meat was on the list. So often health professionals are recommending white chicken meat such as breast meat.
Dr. Li explains that the meat from the thighs and legs of the chicken are more supportive of heart health than the white meat.
He recommends eating 4oz of dark chicken meat daily, about the size of your palm, to help reduce heart disease risks by as much at 57%.
Persimmons are a sweet fruit high in beta-cryptoxanthin, says Dr. Li [which are supportive of healthy inflammation in the body] which helps to maintain the healthy version of cholesterol, HDL, as well as help to reduce atherosclerosis by as much as 25%.
Dr. Li recommends eating one persimmon daily to support healthy cholesterol as well as to blast belly fat. He says not to eat the skin and watch out for the urge to pucker after tasting it.
[To me, this is not a realistic recommendation. Persimmons are a very seasonal fruit and it may be near impossible to get them out of season. If they are found out of season the price will likely be quite high.]
Dr. Li explained that pistachios contain the antioxidant lutein which is supportive of lowering LDL cholesterol levels in the body, by as much as 11%. He recommends eating 1/3 cup of pistachios per day, which is about 50 nuts per day. [Yeah! I love, love, love pistachios. Here's another reason to enjoy them!]
Dr. Oz Bonus Tip!
Dr. Oz recommend taking glucomannan, 3g daily, to bring down cholesterol by 20%.
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