Which super seed was recommended for super health on an episode of The Dr. Oz Show that aired last week?
A. Chia seed
B. Flax seed
C. Pumpkin seed
D. Inka seed
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The Answer:
A. Chia seed
Your Answers:
A. Chia seed - 66%
B. Flax seed - 11%
C. Pumpkin seed - 22%
D. Inka seed - 0%
Cha-Cha-Cha-Chia! I still giggle at that jingle. Yes, the same seeds that give the commerative Obama Chia Pet® a full head of green hair is also considered a super food! Imagine! All the other seeds are also considered powerhouses of nutrition but, it's the Chia seed that was mentioned during this particular week.
On the October 12, 2011 episode of The Dr. Oz Show, Rechard Your Body in 5 Days, that was re-aired on December 27, 2011, Dr. Oz explained that chia seeds contain 500% more calcium than milk, the same amount of omega-3 as salmon per serving, and also work to suppress the appetite with it's expanding fiber. Chia seeds can expand nine times their size in the stomach and change the volume capacity of the stomach giving a feeling of fullness that translates to eating less food.
Dr. Oz recommends to eat 1 ounce, or 3 tablespoons, a day of chia seeds to support the heart, the colon, blood pressure, and curb appetite.
Add to chia seeds to oatmeal, shakes, yogurt, baked goods, soups and stews.
Chia Muffins were featured and contain 4g of protein, 11g of fiber with under 150 calories per serving. Click here to get the recipe on DoctorOz.com.
Flax Seeds
Flax seeds have been a staple of the health food world, and The Dr. Oz Show, for years. This small seed packs omega-3's and fibers. Grind them up and add to shakes, yogurt, or baked goods to increase the nutrition. The have a nutty taste, that I love, and can easily be incorporated into a variety of snacks. The fiber and healthy fat in flax seeds are supportive of blood sugar levels and can help you feel full.
Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds, also called papitas, are another popular seed. The seeds are a great snack and the oil from the seeds is available in supplement form to provide support to the prostate. Pumpkin seeds provide protein, are loaded with minerals, and are readily available year round. My favorite pumpkin seed are those freshly scooped from the pumpkin and roasted with a little olive oil and salt. Delicious!
Inka Seeds
Inka seeds were apparently Dr. Oz's snack food of 2011. While I didn't see that particular episode from last season where it was reported to be mentioned, I heard from sales reps and customers that Dr. Oz said Inka seeds were the “in” seeds for all things health related.
Savi Seed, by Sequel Naturals, sells three varieties of Inka seeds: natural, cocoa and Karmalized. They taste a lot like peanuts, strangely, but are good. A one ounce serving, or one bag of Savi Seeds, provides 7,000g of omega-3, that's more omega-3 than one serving of salmon, according to their website.
Photo credit: Lavoview
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Photo credit: Lavoview
Thanks Allen! I'm glad you found the information useful and passed it along! Cheers for super healthy seeds!