The Dr. Oz Show
Airdate: January 20, 2012
Dr. Oz: The New News About Alzheimer's
- Learn the risks for Alzheimer's and how you can prevent it?
- What is pelvic prolapse and how can you prevent it?
- With so many choices, which beauty products can you skip?
- Prevention Magazine previews new beauty products in 2012
We are crazy about anti-aging and information yet with it comes to the scariest aging disease do you know your risk factors? Twenty-six million people have the risk factors for Alzheimer's disease and don't even know it. Learn what the risk factors are for Alzheimer's and how you can reduce them.
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Dr. Oz: The New News About Alzheimer's
Over five million people currently have Alzheimer's and 2/3 of those are women. And the rates are rising. From 2000 to 2008 deaths from Alzheimer's increased 68%. Many people don't know how to prevent Alzheimer's or how to stop it and there is no known cure for it.
Did you know that most cases of Alzheimer's can be prevented? Dr. Oz says factors such as exercise, smoking, high blood pressure and diabetes have all been linked to preventing Alzheimer's. There are new studies coming out, ground breaking studies showing that Alzheimer's may be detected earlier than ever before.
Dr. Oz Alzheimer's Risk Factor #1: Diabetes
The ground braking information that Dr. Oz has learned and wants to share comes from a Japanese study that linked Alzheimer's to diabetes.
Gary Small, MD, [neuroscientist] and Director of UCLA Longevity Center and author of several books, including, The Alzheimer's Prevention Program: Keep Your Brain Healthy for the Rest of Your Life joined Dr. Oz and explained that the Japanese study showed that people with diabetes have a two-fold chance of contracting Alzheimer's. Even pre-diabetes puts a person at a greater risk for Alzheimer's.
Lisa Genova, PhD, neuroscientist, author of Left Neglected and Still Alice, and appearing in the documentary about Alzheimer's, To Not Fade Away [airing starting today], says that higher blood sugar levels as found in diabetes and pre-diabetes effects the memory and increases the risk of memory loss and contracting Alzheimer's.
Dr. Oz showed a demonstration of how the neurons in the brain function. He stepped over to a huge set of wires if different colors that represented the neurons in the brain. To that, he applied a slimy goop that he says represents what happens to the brain during Alzheimer's.
Neurons in the brain speak to each other. When Alzheimer's strikes, the goop destroys neurons and impedes the ability of the neurons to speak to each other. Normally, insulin will clean out the goop in the brain yet when the body becomes insulin-resistant, the goop stays in the brain and the effects Alzheimer's can show earlier.
Dr. Genova explains that aging causes oxidation stress and inflammation, particularly in the brain, and as we get older we are less able to get rid of the goop. She says that every five years after age 65 the risk for Alzheimer's doubles and after age 80, half of all people will have Alzheimer's.
Since numbers of women getting Alzheimer's is rising is there a connection to estrogen? Dr. Small explained that scientists are looking into whether women taking estrogen during menopause can be brain protective. These studies are trying to determine when women should take estrogen and what type of estrogen to take to help reduce the risks of getting Alzheimer's later in life.
Dr. Oz showed tissue samples of a normal brain and a brain with Alzheimer's. He explained that it's extremely hard to get a hold of a tissue sample of an Alzheimer's brain. In the middle of the brain is a small, fluid-filled hole called the ventricle. With Alzheimer's, the ventricle is quite large and there are typically other holes throughout the rest of the brain. Eventually, as the disease progresses, the holes become as big as the brain.
Dr. Oz Alzheimer's Risk Factor #2: Family History
Researchers have found genetic mutations of Alzheimer's which translates to contracting the disease before the age of 50. Dr. Small explains that this only effects about 1% of the population. Having the gene does not guarantee an Alzheimer's diagnosis but it is a risk.
Dr. Oz Alzheimer's Risk Factor #3: High Cholesterol
Susceptibility genes may not be the ultimate predictor of Alzheimer's risks however, explains Dr. Genova, if there are 10 different possible risks factors and you have several of them, then your risks are going to extremely high.
Cholesterol is a key risk factor because it controls the creation of the goop in the brain. High cholesterol could potentially lead to a higher accumulation of the goop in the brain.
Dr. Oz asked Dr. Small if it's possible that there could be a cure for Alzheimer's in the next 10 years. Dr. Small answered that he is optimist that we will something better in 10 to 15 years then we have today. Improved diagnostics could be the something better, in the form of a test that can determine the amount of goop build up in the brain.
Living a healthy lifestyle can do much to protect he brain. Fifteen years may seem like a long time however, now is the perfect time to make changes and decrease risk factors.
Dr. Oz also recommends working out your brain to increase function and decrease risks for Alzheimer's. Brain puzzles, learning a foreign language, board games, exercise and the foods you eat can all make a difference. Click here to visit the brain games page on
Dr. Oz Brain Foods
Dr. Oz said the research on the link between these healthy foods and over-all health is life changing.
Dr. Oz Anti-Alzheimer's Diet Food #1: Fish
Fish such as anchovy, salmon, halibut are great choices, there are many more. Fish are high in omega-3's and Dr. Small recommends eating fish two times per week. Fried fish doesn't count, it needs to be baked or grilled. Add spices and lemon juice and you have a delicious main course.
Dr. Oz Anti-Alzheimer's Diet Food #2: Potatoes
Potatoes to beat back diabetes? Dr. Small explains that potatoes are a potent antioxidant food that can support healthy blood sugar levels. It has long been thought that potatoes should be in the “sometimes food” category but new research shows that baked potatoes do not cause diabetes. Now, french fries and potato chips are a different story and are not the form to contribute to over-all health.
Dr. Small says don't over cook them but do eat the nutritious skin.
Dr. Oz Anti-Alzheimer's Diet Food #3: Colorful Fruits and Veggies
Of course fruits and vegetables are good for you, and as Dr. Oz has discussed frequently, it's important to eat a variety of colors. Fruits and veggies have valuable phyto-nutrients that promote good health.
Dr. Oz Anti-Alzheimer's Diet Food #4: Garlic
Garlic provides flavor and supports both healthy blood pressure and healthy cholesterol.
A brain healthy diet is also a heart and cholesterol healthy diet.
Dr. Oz Anti-Alzheimer's Diet Food #5: Spices
Curry powder's active ingredient is curcumin which has long been known to be a healthy spice. In India, the rate of Alzheimer's is much lower. Studies have shown that people who eat Indian food preform better on brain tests.
Curry is a strong antioxidant and helps to break up the goop that can clog the brain. UCLA is conducting a study to see if they can prevent the build up of brain goo with a high intake of curry. Curry can also be found in mustard.
Vanilla bean and oregano are two more spices with high antioxidant activity. They can help reduce the chemicals in the body that cause wear and tear on the brain.
Dr. Oz Anti-Alzheimer's Diet Food #6: Coffee
In moderation, coffee protects the brain and helps to lower risks for Alzheimer's, in one or two cups per day. It is believed that caffeine prevents the build up goop in the brain. Be careful, too much caffeine can raise the heart rate and blood pressure.
Caffeine supplements could potentially provide the same benefit yet they have not been studied. If you don't like coffee then try green tea. Chocolate also contains small amounts of caffeine can can support the body against Alzheimer's risks just as coffee.
Dr. Oz Fight Back Against Aging: Pelvic Prolapse
Half of women may have pelvic prolapse. [Startling.] Dr. Oz says if you experience bloating and pelvic pain you may already have the beginnings of pelvic prolapse. Dr. Oz's audience member assistant for this segment told the story of learning about pelvic prolapse by overhearing her sister's conversation.
Dr. Oz says that, sadly, many women learn about health issues by overhearing it from others. He wants to change that and bring pelvic prolapse out into the open.
The pelvic floor muscles hold up the uterus and bladder. Aging, child birth, straining on toilet, and weight gain causes weakening of these muscles. Weakened muscles and ligaments can allow the
uterus to come through the vagina and fall out of the body. It's not life threatening but, it's a major medical issue.
Feeling pressure, like something is coming out of the vagina, or pressure when moving jumping, and urine leaking out could be a sign of weakening pelvic muscles.
Preventing pelvic prolapse is as easy as a little exercise. It's kegel time! Dr. Oz says to do kegel's correctly, picture an elevator. Close the elevator doors by tightening the pelvic muscle [as if you were trying to stop a urine stream in mid-flow] the raise the elevator by pulling yourself upright with a tall posture. Hold this posture for at least 10 seconds, work up to that length of time if necessary. Relax, repeat. The more reps the better to build strengthen.
How do you know you're doing kegels right? Has your doctor ever tested that you are doing it right? Only one woman in the audience raised her had. She explained that her doctor used a probe to determine if she was doing her kegel's correctly. Dr. Oz says a doctor can also check with fingers to determine.
Another preventative, or supportive, treatment for pelvic prolapse is to have a device inserted into the vagina, call a pessary. The device acts like pelvic floor muscles and supports the organs. [Read more about pessary devices at]
Dr. Oz Three Anti-Aging Beauty Products You Don't Need
Ni'Kita Wilson, cosmetic chemistry expert with shares her knowledge of cosmetics and lets viewers in on a secret: there are beauty products that you can skip.
Dr. Oz Beauty Product You Don't Need #1: Facial Cleansers with Botanical Extracts
Dr. Oz love plants and they've been used for cosmetics for ages. Ms. Wilson explains that plant botanicals can help reduce acne, fine lines, and wrinkles however in cleansers there is not enough contact time with the skin for the extracts to do their job. She says that if you want the benefits of plant botanical then look toward a toner because it will stay on the skin longer.
Dr. Oz Beauty Product You Don't Need #2: Lip Exfoliaters
Ms. Wilson says that it's not necessary to buy lip exfoliaterts. They are typically made with sugar and oil and you have those in your house. She says you will get better results from olive oil and a toothbrush. Apply olive oil with a cotton swab and gently scrub the lips with a toothbrush.
Dr. Oz Beauty Product You Don't Need #3: Anti-aging Creams with Retinals, AHA, and BHA's
Ms. Wilson explains that on their own, retinal, AHA, and BHA are great but together they cancel each other out when put together. Look for a label that says that the acid or retinal are encapsulated to get the maximum benefit from each.
Dr. Oz Anti-Aging Products New For 2012
Jennifer Goldstein, Beauty Editor of Prevention Magazine shares the hot anti-aging products to look for in 2012.

In 2011, over 14,000 beauty products were launched. It's hard to wade through all the latest and greatest products. Ms. Goldstein shares the new products that Prevention Magazine thinks stand out from the rest.
Dr. Oz 2012 Anti-Aging Products for Wrinkles on Forehead and Mouth
Algenist Concentrated Reconstructing Serum. [Click the name to visit the company website.]
This product uses algae to create Alguronic Acid. Dr. Oz showed an animation of the serum absorbing into the skin and within 10 days, reduce the depth and appearance of wrinkles. Ms. Goldstein says that Algenist can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles by as much as 25%.
Dr. Oz 2012 Anti-Aging Products for Wrinkles Around Eyes
It's an eye shadow! It's a wrinkle cream! It's both in one product. Illumin8 Eye Shadow by Anastasia.
Dr. Oz showed a series of photos illustrating how Illumin8 Eye Shadow can help to reduce puffiness and lines on the eye over four weeks. In as little as one hour, Illumin8 Eye Shadow begins to hydrate the area with macadamia nut oil and begins to plump and penetrate. After four weeks, few lines were seen and there was clearly less puffiness.
Dr. Oz 2012 Anti-Aging Products for the Mouth
When you think of beauty products you don't often think of dental care. Ms. Goldstein shared two products by PerioSciences, AO ProVantage Dental Gel and AO ProRinse. [AO standing for AntiOxidant. These products contain antioxidants, xylitol and essential oils.] The antioxidants in the products help to fight free radicals and support dental health.
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