The Dr. Oz Show
Airdate: February 10, 2012
Dr. Oz: 5 Holistic Secrets from America's Alternative Doctor
- Dr. Weil's holistic health secrets
- Cancer fighting meal
- Dr. Oz's natural kit to lose weight
- Fight fatigue all day long
- Gadgets for pain
An entire hour dedicated to natural remedies presented by the the guru of all things holistic, Dr. Andrew Weil. Dr. Oz says he uses these remedies in his private practice and in his own home. Dr. Weil has spent his life finding natural remedies for all manner of health concerns and sharing what he learns with the world. Find out Dr. Weil's secrets to energy, immune health, cancer preventions, heart disease and more.
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Dr. Oz: 5 Holistic Secrets from America's Alternative Doctor
Andrew Weil, health guru and author of several books, including joins Dr. Oz again this season to share his holistic secrets to your common complaints.
[Click these links to read about Dr. Weil's previous visits to The Dr. Oz Show this season:
What do people ask Dr. Weil the most?
He says people always want to know what's the secret of health and they all want to know what Dr. Weil eats and what supplements he takes. Today he'll share some secrets about all of those areas.
Dr. Oz Holistic Secrets to Protect Memory
Dr. Weil says he has a great memory and believes doing puzzles and speaking another language supports his memory so he doesn't take these supplements but he does recommend them for others.
Dr. Oz Secret to Protect Memory #1: Huperzine A
From a Chinese moss, this is a natural product shown to be effective in early stages of Alzheimer’s Disease. A study of Chinese school children showed that they had better memory function when taking Huperzine A. Dr. Weil cautions that some believe Huperzine A acts like a drug so he suggests talking to your doctor about using it. He recommends taking 300mg daily of Huperzine A.

Dr. Oz Secret to Protect Memory #2: Phosphatidylserine (PS)
Dr. Oz asked Dr. Weil if this is something you can take if you feel your brain slowing. Dr. Weil says to go for PS and that it's quite safe. He recommends taking 200mg of PS twice daily.
Solaray Phosphatidylserine Complex 30 Softgels
from: Best Price Nutrition
Solaray Phosphatidylserine Complex 30 Softgels
from: Best Price Nutrition
Dr. Oz Holistic Secret for Health Arteries
Dr. Oz Secret for Artery Health #1: Red Yeast Rice Extract
Dr. Weil shared that he has genetically low HDL cholesterol and needs to focus on lowering his LDL cholesterol. He says he used red yeast rice extract and it worked for him. Dr. Weil explains that red yeast rice extract is a mixture of different statin compouns. He says that using a mixture of different statins makes it less likely to experience side-effects. The pharmaceutical statins come with side-effects of muscle spasms and liver issues. Dr. Weil recommends taking 600mg daily of red yeast rice extract, and that number can be doubled, and take CoQ10 with it which is discussed a little later on.

Dr. Oz Secret for Artery Health #2: Niacin
Dr. Oz says he uses niacin in his practice and the American Heart Association recommends starting with niacin to support a healthy heart. There are some side-effects, such as flushing that turns the skin red and itchy, but, says Dr. Oz, the benefits are great.
Dr. Weil explained that niacin is Vitamin B3 in a high dose. One thing we know, he continued, is that niacin raises HDL, or good, cholesterol. He recommends taking 500mg of extended release [or time release] niacin at bed time. Dr. Weil mentioned another side-effect, niacin can raise liver enzymes so he recommends using under a doctors supervision.
Dr. Oz Holistic Secret for the Digestive System
This information shocked Dr. Oz, Dr. Weil recommends, and he himself eats, 40g of fiber every day. Dr. Oz says women should get 25g of fiber daily.
On the table in front of the doctors was two groupings of fruits, veggies, and whole grains. On group represented 25g of protein and the other represented 40g of fiber. There wasn't too great a difference between the two groupings and Dr. Weil says it's doable.
To get to 40g of fiber daily it's as easy as 4 fruits, 3 veggies, and 3 whole grains.
If you can't get to 40g of fiber with food, then Dr. Weil recommends taking a fiber supplement and specifically recommends psyllium. Be careful, when you take psyllium be sure to drink plenty of water to avoid constipation.
If you're not at 40g of fiber daily already then go easy. Gradually increase fiber intake to avoid gas and pain over the course of a month.
Garden of Life Super Seed Beyond Fiber w/ Flax Seed 200 grams - $7.99
from: Best Price Nutrition
Garden of Life Super Seed Beyond Fiber w/ Flax Seed 200 grams - $7.99
from: Best Price Nutrition
Dr. Oz Holistic Secret for the Immunity
Dr. Weil recommends a mixture of antioxidants and minerals for immune support as well as reduction in cancer risks. Dr. Weils says he gets his antioxidants from his multivitamin but wants to explain the amounts for each.
Dr. Oz Secrect for the Immunity #1: Vitamin A
Look on the label to determine the form of Vitamin A. Dr. Weil says to stay away from free-form Vitamin A, or retinal, which can accumulate in the body and become toxic. Instead, look for Vitamin A from carotenoids. Dr. Weil recommends getting 15mg of Vitamin A of mixed carotenoids, the more the better. He says to look for lutein and zeaxanthin that can support eye health as well as lycopene for prostate support.
Dr. Oz Secrect for the Immunity #2: Vitamin C
Dr. Oz says that the body can't use more than 250mg Vitamin C at a time. Over doing an antioxidant can turn it into a pro-oxidant, encouraging oxidation. Dr. Oz recommends taking only 200mg of Vitamin C daily.
Dr. Oz Secrect for the Immunity #3: Vitamin E
Researchers have looked primarily at one type of tocopherol, a form of Vitamin E, says Dr. Weil, but he recommends taking a Vitamin E product with mixed tocopherol at 400iu daily.
Dr. Oz Secrect for the Immunity #4: Selenium
Selenium is a trace mineral which, Dr. Weil says, reduces cancer risks. Dr Weil recommends taking 200mcg daily of selenium.
Dr. Oz Secrect for the Immunity #5: CoQ10
Now we get back to CoQ10. Dr. Oz says that CoQ10 should be taken when taking statins such as red yeast rice to help reduce the risks of side effects such as muscle spasms. CoQ10 also supports the functioning of the heart and can help to increase anaerobic capacity. Dr. Weil recommends taking 120mg daily of CoQ10. He says to take CoQ10 with food as it is a fat soluble nutrient. CoQ10 comes in multiple forms soft gel, powder in capsules, and liquid. Dr. Weil recommends the soft gel form [which is widely considered the preferred form].
A multivitamin will have all of these nutrients, except the CoQ10. Instead of buying each nutrient separately, check the labels on multivitamins to find one that provides these nutrients in the recommended amounts – and get the CoQ10 separately.

Dr. Oz Holistic Secret for Life Balance
In his book, Spontaneous Happiness, Dr. Oz says that Dr. Weil talks beautifully about achieving balance in life. Part of that balance comes from a gratitude journal.
Dr. Weil says that much scientific research has been done on the power of gratitude to increase mood, the power of feeling gratitude and expressing that gratitude. He recommends keeping a journal on the bedside and at night make note of all that you are grateful for that happened that day. Do this for one week can help to increase the mood for many months and it is a scientifically validated affect.
Another way to support balance in life a technique that is free, you can always take it with you, and you don't have to ask permission to do it.
It's Dr. Weil's breathing technique called 4-7-8.
Take in a deep breath for the count of four.
Hold the breath for a count of 7.
Release the breath, with noise, for a count of 8.
Do this for four breath cycles and it will support positive changes to the nervous system, it slows the heart rate, and improves digestion. Completing this technique twice a day, every day, and after a month, says Dr. Weil, you'll be amazed at the changes you'll notice.
Dr. Oz Holistic Secret for Life Balance Bonus!
Dr. Oz recommends the Three B's: black cod, bok choy, and berries.
Dr. Oz Cancer Fighting Meal
Eat this meal once a week to reduce cancer risks. Dr. Weil is a passionate cook saying it's meditative for him and one of his favorite activities.
Red pepper, in the dish, is a circulation stimulant. Olive oil is an antioxidant. Capers and olives provide salt – recipe secret: no need to add salt with these ingredients.
Dr. Oz asked about mercury from the tuna. Dr. Oz recommends using chunk light tuna which is lower in mercury, fresh albacore is another good choice, and try to find a company that sells smaller tunas in the range of 10-12 pounds. These smaller fish tend to be rejected by the large fish processing companies. Typically large fish processor go for large tunas which accumulate more mercury.
The sauce doesn't need to be cooked, it will be warmed by the pasta which should be cooked al dente. As Dr. Oz has been discussing of late, al dente pasta has a lower glycemic index. It's the Mediterranean in a bowl!
Dr. Oz Cancer Fighting Meal Bonus!
Eat sprouts for further reduce cancer risks – be sure they are cooked!
Dr. Oz's Natural Kit to Lose Weight
Who here would like to lose a few pounds? Good news! Mother Nature wants to help. Dr. Oz has a kit to help everyone lose weight. Keep these foods in the pantry and on the menu and the snack list to support healthy weight loss.
Annie Chun's Roasted Seaweed Snacks in Sesame and Wasabi flavors
At only 30 calories per serving and about $1.49 per pack, seaweed snacks can replace potato chips while still giving a little crunch with some salt. Dr. Oz says that swapping the average amount of potato chips a person eats in a year with these seaweed snacks you could lose 13.5 pounds in one year. [My kids LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these! Seaweed has trace minerals ]
Dr. Oz Natural Kit to Lose Weight: Adzuki Beans
One cup of adzuki beans contains 17g fiber. Add them to soups, salad, and chili.
Dr. Oz Natural Kit to Lose Weight: Almond Butter
Almond butter has a low glycemic index and can be used to replace jam.
Dr. Oz Natural Kit to Lose Weight: 7-Keto DHEA Supplement
Dr. Oz says he didn't know much about this supplement: 7-Keto DHEA. He says 7-Keto DHEA speeds the metabolism. He had his audience assistant jump on a stationary bike and start peddling. The bike was set to a high setting that was hard to peddle. With 7-Keto DHEA makes the stationary cycle work on an easier setting. Dr. Oz recommends taking 50mg daily as a good place to start, which can be bumped up.
Dr. Oz Natural Kit to Lose Weight: Juice
Fruit juices are good but they can be high in calories. Replacing fruit juice with vegetable juice once a day over the course of a year you could lose 8 pounds. Compare 5 ounces of vegetable juice at 30 calories with orange juice with about 100 calories.
Dr. Oz Natural Kit to Lose Weight: Bonus!
For discomfort from bloating, look toward freeze dried dandelion. Dr. Oz recommends taking one to two capsules one to two times per day.
Dr. Oz Holistic Solutions to Fight Fatigue Throughout the Day
Before you reach for coffee and soda, try these natural fatigue fighters. Stimulants can change how you cope throughout the day but these recommendations can help you get through the day without overdoing them.
Dr. Oz Morning Fatigue Fighter: Matcha Tea
One cup of matcha tea has 10 times more antioxidants as regular green tea. There's a little caffeine in matcha and it available in most areas. Dr. Oz says to not add boiling hot water directly to the tea as it makes it taste grassy. Instead boil the water and let the water sit for five minutes then add it to the cup.
The Republic of Tea Double Green Matcha Tea 50 Natural Unbleached Tea Bags
from: Best Price Nutrition
The Republic of Tea Double Green Matcha Tea 50 Natural Unbleached Tea Bags
from: Best Price Nutrition
Dr. Oz Noon Fatigue Fighter: Dr Oz's Cola Cola
Kola nut extract seeds are used to provide alertness and energy. This drink does contain 4mg of caffeine but it's considerably less than what you would find in a caffeinated soda, coffee, or tea.
Dr. Oz's Cola Cola
8 oz carbonated water
20 drops kola nut extract
½ packet of Stevia
Fresh lime juice
Mix up the ingredients, beware of too much fizz, and enjoy this zero calorie drink.
Dr. Oz Afternoon Fatigue Fighter - The Perfect Snaque
It's really called The Perfect Snaque! The Perfect Snaque is a blend whole grains and fruit. Dr. Oz's favorite flavor featured is amaranth. Each packet 250 calories or less. In a convenient container, The Perfect Snaque is a healthy snack that you can keep with you.
Dr. Oz Fatigue Fighter Bonus!
Dr. Oz Best Gadgets for Pain
American's spend over $34 billion annually on alternative medical gadgets. Dr. Oz has found some gadgets that he says help reduce pain, stress, and tension.
Dr. Oz Gadget for Neck and Shoulder Pain
This is based on old technology, ancient Indian healing traditions. Dr. Oz says the pillow brings energy to the neck and changes the way the nerve sense the area.
Cost: $29.99
Dr. Oz Gadget for Joint Pain
Based on infrared heat, the LED Pain Reliever provides external heat that will penetrate into the joint to stimulate circulation, relieve discomfort, and swelling in the joints
Cost: $160.00
Dr. Oz Gadget for Sinus Pain
Dr. Oz loves neti pots and the SinuSense Water Pulsator takes a basic neti pot to the level of electronic gadget. Irrigate the sinuses with pulsating water.
Cost: $35.00
Dr. Oz Bonus Gadget for Arthritis Pain
For arthritis in the hands, Dr. Oz recommends the Arthritis Pain Relieving Gloves that provide heat and pressure to relive discomfort. He says you can still preform daily duties with the gloves and keep them on at night as well.
Cost: $50.00
Dr. Oz Bonus Tip!
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ReplyDeleteThe perfect snaque, not snack
Hi - Thanks Anonymous for clarifying for us! Yes - it is The Perfect SNAQUE at
ReplyDeletethanks @WatchingDrOz for posting these.
Sincerely, Cricket Allen/founder The Perfect SNAQUE