The Dr. Oz Show
Airdate: September 18, 2012
Dr. Oz: Has This Doctor Found The
Fountain Of Youth?
- Dr. Joel Fuhrman discusses his food pharmacy and book Eat To Live
- Determine your metabolism type
- Eat right for your metabolism
- Dr. Oz turns the show over to the audience
Dr. Joel Fuhrman talks about his health
program that has people turning around their health and losing weight
at the same time. Is your metabolism type making you fat? Find out
your type and how to eat to support it.

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Dr. Oz: Has This Doctor Found The Fountain Of Youth?
Dr. Joel Fuhrman has sold over a
million copies of his book Eat To Live.
With his program outlined in Eat To Live,
Dr. Fuhrman says people can feel better than ever, they won't
get sick, and they can lose a record amount of weight.
His program is called radical and
revolutionary. Dr. Fuhrman promises that by using food as medicine
you can rid yourself of exhaustion, pain, and pills. Over his career,
Dr. Fuhrman has researched food and found all the healthy concerns
people complain about, feel that they are destined to live with and
die by could be helped by eating the right foods.
Followers of the Dr. Fuhrman program
call themselves Fuhrmanites and say that by simply changing their
diets they have changed and saved their lives. Everything they needed
to succeed was in their fridge.
Jessica was taking 10 medications daily
to get rid of acne and to sleep. After Dr. Fuhrman's program she
doesn't take a single medication and feels better than she ever did
in her life. Heather used to sleep only one hour a day. With Dr.
Fuhrman's plan, she got healthy, is able to sleep normally and she
just happened to lose 55 pounds at the same time.
The science around food as medicine is
compelling, says Dr. Fuhrman. We don't have to fall into the health
concern stereotypes of heart issues, high blood pressure, and weight
issues. On his plan, people learn to eat food that tastes good and
supports their health at the same time.
Dr. Furhman's philosophy around food
and medications is that food can eliminate the need for medications
by support body processes and riding the need for those medications.
He said to think about when if the oil light in your car goes off. At
the mechanic, the wire to the flashing oil light is cut and the car
is good to go. That, said Dr. Fuhrman, is what medications are for
the body. The symptoms are gone but the problem persists and the
disease advances.
Dr. Oz asked for clarification that the
commonly prescribed medications for high cholesterol, allergies, and
pain aren't needed if people eat the right foods.
Dr. Fuhrman argued that people don't
need medications that the medications are making health concerns
worse. He wants to teach people to prevent disease by getting
Is Dr. Fuhrman getting negative
feedback over telling people they can get off medications and that
they don't need the at all?
Many physicians are thanking Dr.
Fuhrman for his work. Other doctors have shared the success stories
they've seen in patients using the Fuhrman program. This is
progressive medicine, said Dr. Fuhrman, it's the way medicine should
be practiced.
Dr. Oz: Dr. Fuhrman's Food Pyramid
Dr. Fuhrman has taken the revised food
pyramid and flipped it upside down and created his own food pyramid.
He has placed at the bottom foods that are nutritionally dense and
high in micro-nutrients that also act as cancer protectors, said Dr.
Dr. Fuhrman explained that the American
diet consists of 62% processed oils, sugars, and grains that don't
provide any nutrients. Strawberries, for example, have over 700
nutrients, broccoli has over 1,000. Over 20% of the diet comes from
animal protein which contains no antioxidants. Vegetables only make
up 8% of the diet, so no wonder people get any sleep, gain weight,
suffer from dementia and live in a nursing home, said Dr. Fuhrman.
Dr. Fuhrman says we can treat cancer
with the scale. If you're over weight, he explained, you're prone to
cancer. We cannot separate weight and health. Healthy foods inhibit
fat on the body and they also stop cancer in its track, not letting
cancer reproduce. It's not a calories in and calories out system.
Who's right for the Fuhrman program?
This is nutritional excellence to such a high degree that heart
disease and blood pressure can melt away. The program is not just for
people who are over weight and sick, it's for anyone who wants to
live a pleasurable, healthy life.
Dr. Oz Talks to Fuhrmanites
Dr. Oz talked with two women who
attribute their healthy turn-around to following the Fuhrman program.
Adrienne was over weight, exhausted,
suffered from high blood pressure and sleep apnea. She took five
medications every day and popped ibuprofen like candy and believed
she was on track to a short life. Her friend made an appointment for
her with Dr. Fuhrman as a gift. He gave her a shopping list and 30
days to get started. She threw out all the junk food and processed
foods in her house and started eating healthy. On her next visit to
Dr. Fuhrman, she had lost 26. While she stilled weighed 275, she felt
amazing despite still being heavy.
Dr. Oz added that many people say to
themselves they will feel better after they lost weight however
eating better can help people feel better now and they'll just happen
to lose weight.
Health and weight are intertwined, said
Dr. Fuhrman. Foods that are therapeutic also help people feel better
and can reduce cravings are the same foods that help people lose
weight. This program, he explained, is changing the biochemistry of
the body and people begin to crave healthy foods instead.
Sarah had suffered from migraines her
entire life. She would take a handful of pills daily until they
stopped working and she began taking shots. Visiting Dr. Fuhrman's
website inspired her to change the way she ate. The headaches melted
away and her whole world opened up for her. Sarah didn't need to lose
weight but she learned that healthy eating could help with the
Reading through Dr. Fuhrman's book, Eat
To Live, Sarah threw out the
junk food and bought kale for the first time. She didn't like kale at
first but she kept at it and in a month her taste buds
adjusted and this is the food she wants to eat now.
Sarah said that never in a million
years would she believe that she could get off medications and be
migraine-free. Today, she has achieved both through eating the right
Dr. Oz: Dr. Fuhrman's Super
Dr. Fuhrman has written another book,
Super Immunity, where he shares an easy to remember acronym for eating to support
the immunity: G-BOMBS.
Oz: Dr. Fuhrman's G-BOMBS
Fuhrman said if the entire population ate based on this formula,
everyone would be healthier. He says to used these foods to makes
salads and soups.
Dr. Oz
said isn't cooking like this going to be too hard and kids won't like
it? Adrienne said health is the most important thing to each of use
and we must take time to make this work. She said she has a demanding
job, she volunteers, and has a rich social life yet she still has
time to cook and make these meals. Typically on Sunday she will make
a large batch of soup that she can eat all week.
Sarah said she loves to make an
avocado, kale, and apple salad. It's easy to make and delicious and
helps her to eat a lot of kale.
This method of eating is compelling,
exclaimed Dr. Oz. To demonstrate how powerful this food can be, he
demonstrated with three cylinders. Each cylinder was filled with
foods that totaled 400 calories.
Junk food doesn't keep you full and
only filled about 1/10th of the cylinder. Four hundred
calories of pasta filled about ¼th of the cylinder and
Dr. Oz explained would leave you hungry for more and toxicly addicted
to eating more to feel full. Finally, the last cylinder was filled
with mixed greens lettuces, filled to overflowing, filled to spilling
on to the table. Dr. Oz explained that you could eat greens all day
long, they will be less than 400 calories, and you will feel full.
There are great salad dressings and
desserts too on the program such as a mango and lemon ice cream!
Dr. Oz said to check out his Pintrest
page for the Dr. Fuhrman board that has been published. [I couldn't
find anything Dr. Fuhrman on Dr. Oz's Pinterst page but I did find
Dr. Fuhrman's Pintrest page. Click
here to visit Dr. Fuhrman's Pinterst page.]
Dr. Oz: What is Your Metabolism
What you eat directly effects your
body. Food can help rid the body of disease and it can also speed the
metabolism. We are each born with an individual metabolism type. The
foods that make your friend slim can make you fat, explained Dr. Oz.
Dr. Oz brought three sisters on stage.
You would think, he said, their metabolism is the same but it's not
the case.
The first sister, Sarah, says she
craves salty snacks. She says she's easy going however she also get
anxious – that's when she goes toward the chips. Consider, said Dr.
Oz, that the chips could acutally be the cause of the anxiety? He
said she is metabolic body type A.
Sister number two, Jen, goes to ice
cream and sweets like they are oxygen. In the middle of the day she
gets tired and uses caffeine to help her focus. Type b
Emily, the third both sweet and salty
foods. Her favorite snack is chocolate covered popcorn. She says she
worries a lot even when she doesn't need too. Dr. Oz said not worry
because it could just be the foods she is eating.
The foods you eat are directly related
to your personality. Adapting to the cravings will help you adjust to
what your body actually needs.
Dr. Oz: Metabolic Type A
Are you stressed and crave potato
chips? You may be Metabolic Type A which hold these characteristics:
- Strong appetite;
- Crave fatty and salty foods;
- Feel fatigued and anxiety;
- Talkative and outgoing.
Dr. Oz: Metabolic Type B
Is sugar your weakness? Do you need
caffeine for energy? You could be a Metabolic Type B:
- Weak appetite;
- Crave sweets;
- Ambitious, organized, and stressed;
- Can be sensitive.
Do both A and B sound like you? You
could be a Type C.
Dr. Oz: Metabolic Type C
If you like both sweet and salty foods
equally, you could be Metabolic Type C:
- Unpredictable appetite;
- Carving for salty foods and sweets;
- Feels fatigue, anxiety, and nervousness;
- Suffers from aches and pains;
- Has a bit of a complaining element.
Still unsure? Or do you want to make
sure you chose the right type? Click
here to take the Metabolism Quiz on
Dr. Oz: Eat Right For Metabolism
Your metabolic type reacts differently
to the different foods you eat. Learn to eat for your metabolic type.
Dr. Oz: Eat for Metabolism Type A
Metabolism Type A consists of 50%
protein, 30% fats, and 20% carbs. Dr. Oz explained that Type A craves
salt because the body wants protein however most A's reach for chips
to satisfy that craving. He said to recognize the need for dark
protein because dark cuts of meat feed the metabolism. Type A can
breakdown this protein efficiently.
Type A can handle some dairy with fat
and 2% milk. Sarah had been eating low-fat dairy yet Dr. Oz says to
stay away from it as it is higher in sugar.
Starchy carbs, like those salty chips,
are harder for Type A to metabolize. Sarah shared that she's scared
of eating dark meat because society has told us to stay away. Dr. Oz
dark meat is not less healthy in fact, for Type A, dark meat is the
best form of animal protein for A's.
Dr. Oz: Eat for Metabolism Type B
For Jen's sweet cravings, her body is
asking for healthy carbs but the message comes out as wanting candy.
Type B Metabolism should divide their plate into 70% healthy carbs,
20% protein, and 10% fats. Jen says she's been eating more of a Type
A diet.
That much bread scares Jen. She's
reduced her bread and cereal to nearly nothing over the last 10 years
because she's been told they are unhealthy. Dr. Oz said for more,
healthy carbs will be the best for the long term. Staying away from
healthy carbs has lead her to crave caffeine as well. Type B can
break down carbs easily and then use the nutrients for energy.
For protein, Dr. Oz says Type B needs
to stick with white animal meat, and lighter colored beans and
Dr. Oz: Eat for Metabolism Type C
A balanced plate will serve Type C and
fulfill cravings at the same time. Dr. Oz said Metabolism Type C
should fill their plate with 33% protein, 33% carbs, and 33% fat.
Type C gets to eat more fats than A or B and can mix different colors
of protein including beans, steak, and white or dark meat.
Eating “real” cheese is exciting
for Emily and Dr. Oz said it could help sooth some of the health
concerns she's been dealing with.
For each Metabolism Type, Dr. Oz says
to remember it's the healthier versions of all these food options.
[The greatest discrepancy I see in all
this Metabolism Typing is not accounting for vegetarians and those
sensitive to and need to avoid gluten.
Dr. Oz: Turns The Show Over To
The Audience
This season is all about you, said Dr.
Oz. He loves getting feedback from viewers and he's listening. Today
he turns the show over to the audience who serenaded him to a redo of
Call Me Maybe...[cringe!]
hard to feel right, you're there daily, so Dr. Oz, email me maybe?”
Place your vote for
this week's quiz
and return on Saturday
for the answer.
Thank you for making
Watching Dr Oz a success!
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