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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Watching Dr Oz 9/22/12 Quiz: Thyroid Support

Which food(s) are rich in selenium and can provide nutritional support to the thyroid?

A. Bacon
B. Oat bran
C. Shrimp
D. Brazil nuts

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The Answer:
All of them!

Your Answers:
A. Bacon - 2%
B. Oat bran - 35%
C. Shrimp - 18%
D. Brazil nuts - 70%

The Answer: All of them!
On the 9/11/12 episode of The Dr. Oz Show: Restart Your Body, Dr. Oz implemented the thyroid gland as the cause of many extra pounds that women find they just can't seem shed after age 40.

Dr. Oz explained that 20% of women have thyroid issues and he believes that number is a gross underestimate. The rampant blame placed on the thyroid is actually well placed, explained Dr. Oz, as the thyroid is an incredibly common reason for women gaining weight as they age.

The thyroid gland is located under the Adam's apple. Dr. Oz asked the audience to see if they could feel their thyroid gland. Ideally, you shouldn't be able to feel the thyroid and if you can, said Dr. Oz, it's cause for concern.

There are three basic questions doctors can ask their patients to begin to determine if the thyroid gland has slowed down:

1. Do you experience daily fatigue?
2. Have you gained 10-15 pounds in the last two years that you seem unable to lose?
3. Has your hair become more coarse or brittle?

Dr. Oz explained that everyone can do one simple test at-home to get a picture of thyroid health. All you need is a thermometer. Take your temperature in the morning before getting out of bed for seven straight days. Calculate your average temperature for the week. If the average temperature is under 98F, Dr. Oz said it could a sign of a sluggish thyroid. [Take those figures, then, and have a conversation with your doctor to determine the next step.]

To support the thyroid, Dr. Oz explained that it's important to get enough iodized salt and selenium-rich food in the daily diet. Over 80% with added salt that we eat on a daily basis does not contain iodine and most table salt does not contain iodine.

Brazil nuts are the selenium power houses of the food world. One singe Brazil nut can provide 137% of your daily value of selenium, according to

The top 10 selenium-rich foods on are:

#1 – Brazil nuts: 137% DV in one nut
#2 – Shellfish: 55% DV in one oyster
#3 – Liver: 141% DV per three ounce serving
#4 – Fish - orange roughy tops the fish list with 107% DV for three ounces
#5 – Sunflower seeds: 32% DV per ounce
#6 – Bran, including wheat, rice and oats: oats have 65% DV for 100g
#7 – Caviar: 100g provides 94% DV
#8 – Bacon and pork chops: BACON! 7% DV per slice
#9 – Lobster and crab: one crab has 86% DV
#10 – Shrimp: three ounces of shrimp provide 48% DV


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1 comment:

  1. Please do a segment on living with breast cancer.There are so many women living with it like myself. I have always eaten the right things all my life but still got it at age 54. Thanks
