The Dr. Oz Show
Airdate: September 13, 2012
Dr. Oz Uncensored: Your Most
HumiliatingEmbarrassing Questions Ever!
- Dr. Oz goes uncensored and answers embarrassing questions
- Dr. Oz finds the funnest home health videos
- Find out what secret Dr. Oz is keeping about his health
- When kids ask about anatomy
- How embarrassing photos spark health transformations
- Laughter is the best medicine
Oh how Dr. Oz loves a good TMI show!
For this round of TMI, Dr. Oz goes uncensored with a new round of embarrassing questions. Even Dr. Oz is confronted by his
staff to share his secret health issue.
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Dr. Oz Uncensored: Your Most Embarrassing Questions Ever!
With over 500 shows already
produced and viewers losing more than 3 million pounds, the favorite
show topic for viewers are those with embarrassing questions, said
Dr. Oz. He has saved every question since the beginning of the show.
Many were too extreme to air, until now.
Dr. Oz Uncensored
Question #1: When she has to go Number Two sometimes she waits too
long then nothing comes out. Where does the poop go?
This common issue is called
a ghost poop, said Dr. Oz. The audience member shared that in these
situations the poop that eventually does come out is often small, dry
pellets. Ghost poop is a health concern, said Dr. Oz.
Dr. Oz showed a diagram of
the colon and rectum. He moved a large blue blob of clay through the
colon then sat it on the “trap door” where poop will sit until
you get to the bathroom and open that door. When the poop sits in the
colon until you get to the bathroom, the colon pulls out all
available moisture leaving those little pellets of poop. The pellets
have hard, sharp edges that can cause cuts and fissures along the
rectum and that is the concern. These cuts and fissures can lead to
infection, hemorrhoids, even rectal bleeding.
Dr. Oz understands that we
can't always get the bathroom when we need. In these situations, Dr.
Oz it's best to drink lots of water to help soften the poop somewhat
and reduce the possibility of cuts and fissures.
Dr. Oz Uncensored
Question #2: Why do I get a bloody nose when I get nervous and
She's a working mom who
experiences your standard stress. But her stress sometimes leads to a
bloody nose. Dr. Oz demonstrated how these stress nose bleeds happen.
He asked the woman to fill a
tall canister to the left of the nose with yellow balls representing
the rise of stress hormones as a reaction to a stressful situation.
Another canister to the right of the nose was filled with red liquid
representing blood pressure that rose as the stress hormones rose. A
rise in blood pressure due to stress can cause blood vessels in the
nose to break and then you have a nose bleed.
Arteries in the nose are
fragile and can bleed easily, explained Dr. Oz, but there are also
blood vessels in the brain that could be vulnerable to bleeding as
well and that can lead to a stroke. Dr. Oz said that placing a cold
pack on the neck as stress levels rise can help reduce the risks of
experiencing a nose bleed.
Dr. Oz Uncensored
Question #3: Should I be concerned about camel toe?
A camel toe? It's actually
called a reverse wedgie. When pants and underwear are too tight it
can causing the labia to spread and create the unattractive “camel
toe” look or a reverse wedgie meaning it's in the front and not the
back. The reverse wedgie can cut off the blood supply as well as the
air supply to the area creating a build up of heat and sweat. Yeast
can build up and may result in yeast infection.
To check if an outfit may
cause a reverse wedgie, Dr. Oz recommends bending over and touching
the toes while wearing the pants and underwear in question. If
bending over is uncomfortable then it's a sign that the pants and/or
underwear are too tight.
Dr. Oz Uncensored
Question #4: Why do I have 9 nipples?
Most women have only two
nipples but she has nine. She started getting extra nipples during
puberty and then again during pregnancy. On her belly she has three
nipples, two on the upper chest and two more on each arm pit. One of
the extra nipples on her upper chest will actually lactate. When she
was nursing her child the upper nipple would produce a surprising
amount of milk.
Dr. Oz said that 6% of
people have extra nipples. He showed an animation of where her
regular and extra nipples are located and then highlighted what's
called the milk lines that exist in all mammals. Her nipples all
occur along this milk line.
When hormones go crazy
during times such as puberty and pregnancy, these hormones can cause
extra nipples to form, typically about the size of a mole. The
greatest concern with these extra nipples is that they can develop
breast tissue and be susceptible to health concerns that effect
typical breast tissue such as breast cancer. Dr. Oz recommended that
people with extra nipples let their doctor know about them so they
can be checked during exams.
Dr. Oz Funniest Home
Health Videos
Dr. Oz said he loves to see
funny home videos about health. He searched the web and found quite a
collection of videos featuring people falling down while using the
treadmill, even a dog falling on the treadmill. He found humor in
babies crying after being fed vegetables, people giving the sour face
when trying a veggie drink and a whole world of videos of men getting
their body hair waxed.
video featuring a family working to remove dense back hair from dad's
back caught Dr. Oz's attention so he invited the entire family onto
the show.
father shared that as the hair on his head gets thinner, the hair on
his back grows thicker. It's become a family project to wax
off his back hair. His wife, proudly took on the job of waxing the
back and took it a step further by taping the process and posting it
on line! It's painful for dad but a laugh riot for everyone else.
Dr. Oz recommended that he
take 400mg ibuprofen before the waxing job begins and to apply arnica
gel after to reduce irritation to the skin.

Dr. Oz's Secret Health
Issue Revealed
Dr. Oz said he has no idea
what is going to happen in this next segment of the show. He showed a
video of his staff giving him accolades on his knowledge and
professionalism. But, what people don't know is that Dr. Oz has that
worst smelling gas. Embarrassing and pungent. His staff says he
practices what he preaches and let's nature do what nature does and
allows the gas to flow where it may.
Dr. Oz was pleaded guilty as
charges and maintained his good humor even while calling out a
surprise guest. Dr. Oz's own internist and gastroenterologist Dr.
Jonathan LaPook, who is also a medical correspondent for CBS, joined
Dr. Oz to discuss the issue of his gas.
Why do we have gas?
When we eat food all the
beneficial bacteria along our digestive track breakdown that food.
Gas is released as the bacterial breaks down the food we eat. Foods
such as cauliflower and broccoli of the cruciferous family, meat, and
eggs can all cause foul smelling sulfur-scented gas. That's the
deadly part of “silent but deadly”.
How much gas does Dr. Oz
pass each day?
He admitted to passing gas
15-20 times a day. He's actually within the normal, said Dr. LaPook.
Most people don't care about the gas we pass as long as it doesn't
What makes gas so noisy
when passed?
The amount of sound produced
when farting is all about physics. The volume of the gas, how quickly
it's moving through the body, and the amount of space for the gas to
exit all play a role in the amount of sound that is produced. The
greater the volume, the higher the pressure the more noisy the fart
will be.
The polite thing for Dr. Oz
to do when he passes gas would be to go to an unoccupied room to
release it but not to come right back into the room because the odor
is still on the body. Dr. LaPook says Dr. Oz should exit to another
room and wiggle his body a bit to release gas still attached to his
body and then go into a second room for another wiggle. Then he is
cleared to return to polite society.
Dr. Oz What Kids
Overhear from The Dr. Oz Show
Dr. Oz brought out a mom who
watches The Dr. Oz Show daily. She shared that she doesn't
necessarily watch the show with her children however, as kids do, her
kids have an amazing ability to listen for the words and subjects
that parents may not want their kids to hear.
On an episode from last
season, Dr. Oz discussed real age of reproductive parts where an
adult man took a trip down a slide that represented a vagina. Her
five year old son overhead that part and asked his mom what is a
vagina. She ignored the question but he persisted. She found an
animated video online that she was able use in a discussion about the
birds and the bees and human anatomy.
Dr. Oz said when parents
skip over this conversation perhaps due to embarrassment the kids
miss out on an imporatnt lesson and may also become embarrassed by
the natural parts and functions of the body. Talk about the facts,
use the correct terminology and you set the foundation for honest
conversations about health. Dr. Oz gave her son an age appropriate
book about the human body.
Dr. Oz: Embarrassing
Photos Spark Health Transformations
Have you heard about the
website dedicated to real photos of real families that are total
awkward and completely hilarious? is a place
to show off those family photos that you wish would just go away.
Those awkward family photos
can also end up being a call to make changes and improve heath. Dr.
Oz talked to two audience members who made big changes to transform
their health because of a photograph.
Dr. Oz: Photo Inspired
Transformation #1: Tanning Bed Addiction
The first audience member
admitted that she was addicted to tanning beds. She thought the
tanning was giving her a healthy glow but seeing a family photo where
she was standing next to people who didn't frequent the tanning beds
showed her that she was burning her skin and harming her health.
However, that wasn't enough to get her to stop tanning.
She visited the tanning bed
one more time then saw an episode of The Dr. Oz Show where Dr. Oz
talked about the dangers of tanning beds [perhaps
it was this episode from January 4, 2012?]. Since that episode
she has stopped tanning and allowed her skin to return to its natural
color. [She went from Willie Wonka's Ompa Lumpa orange to normal
flesh tone.]
Dr. Oz: Photo Inspired
Transformation #2: Confronted with Obesity
Trisha shared that as a
bride opening gifts at her bridal shower a picture was snapped of her
holding up lacy granny panties. She was surprised to see in the photo
how big she had become and see the big lingerie. That photo was a
wake up call and sparked Trisha to lose 100 pounds.
How did she do it? Trisha
said she got off her butt and joined a boot camp workout class and
started eating better. She keeps the photo for inspiration to keep
her going along her healthy path.
Dr. Oz wants to see more
awkward photos from viewers. He encourages people to send
embarrassing and awkward photos to his Twitter page.
Dr. Oz: Laughter Is
The Best Medicine
Saturday Night Live has
poked fun at Dr. Oz with their “Ask
Dr. Oz” sketch. [Click
here to see the SNL “Ask Dr. Oz” sketch.] Newscasters and
home viewers have gotten in the game and shared their impression of
Dr. Oz online [most parodies involve poop, of course!].
Dr. Oz chose his favorite
parody: a woman, named Daryl, dressed in hospital scrubs and a pair
of purple gloves goes through a list of symptoms and says there's a
tea for that. “Got lip hair? There's a tea for that.” He liked
her spoof so much he invited her on the show to help him read the cue
The point, readers, was that
Dr. Oz says laughter is the best medicine and all these parodies made
him laugh. He and Daryl said that a good belly laugh exercises the
diaphragm muscles and the shoulder muscles. Laughing at least 100
times a day is equivalent to a 15 minute cardio workout.
Happy laughing! Happy
Place your vote for
this week's quiz
and return on Saturday
for the answer.
Thank you for making
Watching Dr Oz a success!
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