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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Watching Dr Oz Quiz 9/29/12: Thoughts on Season Four

What are your thoughts about the opening of Season Four of The Dr. Oz Show?

A. Fabulous! The best season ever!
B. Alright. Entertaining and informative enough.
C. Could be better. Where's the empowering information?
D. Terrible! The worst season ever!

Click on for the results of this week's quiz. 


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Your Answers:

63% - Fabulous! The best season ever!
18% - Alright. Entertaining and informative enough.
18% - Could be better. Where's the empowering information?
0% - Terrible! The worst season ever!

I'm getting some not so positive feedback from folks on the first two week's of this new season, the fourth, of The Dr. Oz Show. So, I thought I'd find out what everyone is thinking about the new direction of this new season.

This week's quiz is not about facts or information from the past week of episode, instead it's about your opinions.

I asked the question because it seems that readers of WatchingDrOz were taking more interest in posts for episodes repeated over the summer and not so much interest in posts for episodes of the new season.

In fact, for September (to date) posts for episodes that originally aired back in received twice as many views as the season four premier 9/10/12: Green Coffee Bean Extract.

The format of the show has made a positive shift to focus more on food and lifestyle choices rather than fix-all product recommendations. Information presented on this new season seems more doable for the majority of viewers and the recommendations come down to swapping an unhealthy product out of the shopping cart to make room for a more healthy choice.

Instead of spending hundreds per month on supplement products mentioned on the show, the information steers viewers towards eating more veggies and fruit and toward increasing activity and exercise. I see this as a great change as I've heard readers say they feel compelled to buy all those supplements but don't appreciate the negative impact on their budget.

There have been two shows this season that, surprisingly, provided little to no health information: 9/20/12: Dr. Oz Talks to Stars of NY Med and 9/26/12: Viewer Overshares. Those posts received the lowest views of any show posts in the last year.

I'm hearing that most of you are enjoying this season four but I'm seeing that many show topics are not capturing your interest. All the information from season three episodes are still on the blog and ready for readers to access at anytime. Using the “Search This Blog” feature on the right-side menu can help you narrow down your topic search.

Thanks for taking the quiz and thanks for making WatchingDrOz a success!


Thanks for participating in this week's WatchingDrOz Quiz!

Each week a new quiz is posted on Watching Dr Oz to test your knowledge of the information shared
on The Dr. Oz Show the previous week. Answers are provided each Saturday. Cast your vote every week and check back every Saturday to see how you did!

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