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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Watching Dr Oz 9/11/12: Restart Your Body, Foods for the Thyroid, Steps to Detox the Liver, Three Heart Health Tips, Healthy Intestines,

The Dr. Oz Show
Airdate: September 11, 2012
Dr. Oz Restart Your Body

Dr. Oz helps 200 women take back their health
Support the thyroid with these foods
Detox the liver with two basic steps
Three ways to take care of the heart
Be kind to the intestines

In New York City, 200 women gathered and put on the purple gloves to get a better picture of their health and to learn how to restart their bodies. Why the gloves? Every audience member were invited to hold an organ, the organ that they most want to restart. Dr. Oz shares his tips to support key organs to restart your body.

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Dr. Oz Restart Your Body

On Ellis Island with the Statue of Liberty as a backdrop, Dr. Oz invited 200 women to take on the challenge of support their bodies and take back their health. Dr. Oz said he wants his viewers to take charge of their health no matter what damage was wrecked in the past. Everyone, he said, can restart their body with his tips from today's show.

Dr. Oz: Restart The Thyroid

The thyroid is often to blame for those stubborn pounds, the reason why their jeans are too tight, the cause of extra belly fat after age 40. While these women are placing the blame for their low energy and weight gain on the thyroid, most of them are unclear what the thyroid does and unsure about where it's located in the body.

Dr. Oz explained that 20% of women have thyroid issues that number is believed to be a gross underestimate. The rampant blame placed on the thyroid is actually well placed, explained Dr. Oz, as the thyroid is an incredibly common reason for women gaining weight as they age.

Where is the thyroid? Under the Adam's apple is where the thyroid lives in the body. Dr. Oz asked the audience to feel under their Adam's apple. Ideally, you shouldn't be able to feel the thyroid and if you can, said Dr. Oz, it's cause for concern.

To demonstration how the thyroid works, Dr. Oz asked an audience member to step into a small glass room filled with yellow balloons. Armed with a large pin, representing the thyroid gland, she was asked to pop the yellow balloons which represented fat cells that when popped provide the body with energy.

As we get older, the thyroid has less energy to pop those fat cells with the end result of more fat cells accumulating in the body and less energy produced. It's a vicious cycle.

Next, the lucky audience volunteer tired to pop the balloons without the pin while Dr. Oz poured more balloons on top. No surprise, she could only pop a few balloons while she disappeared under the flood of more and more balloons.

Dr. Oz: Three Symptoms of Underactive Thyroid
How can you know for certain if the thyroid is not doing it's job? Dr. Oz explained that there are three basic questions doctors can ask their patients to begin to determine if the thyroid gland has slowed down.

1. Do you experience daily fatigue?
2. Have you gained 10-15 pounds in the last two years that you seem unable to lose?
3. Has your hair become more coarse or brittle?

Dr. Oz At-Home Thyroid Test
Dr. Oz explained that everyone can do one simple test to get a picture of thyroid health. All you need is a thermometer. Take your temperature in the morning before getting out of bed for seven straight days. Calculate your average temperature for the week. If the average temperature is under 98F, Dr. Oz said it could a sign of a sluggish thyroid. [Take those figures, then, and have a conversation with your doctor to determine the next step.

Dr. Oz: Tyroid Power Combo
To support the thyroid, Dr. Oz explained that it's important to get enough iodized salt and selenium-rich food in the daily diet. Over 80% with added salt that we eat on a daily basis does not contain iodine and most table salt does not contain iodine.

Iodized Salt – Too much is not good for health however, when salting foods Dr. Oz said to make sure you're using iodized salt.

Selenium-Rich – Two great examples of selenium-rich foods are mushrooms (any type) and Brazil nuts.

[Other selenium-rich foods listed on include: sunflower seeds, fish, shellfish, meat, poultry, eggs, mushrooms, whole grains. Click here to read more on]

Dr. Oz: Restart Your Liver

Think of all the food you'll eat in lifetime. How many candy bars would that be? How much beef and other animal protein would you eat? How many alcoholic beverages would that total? What about over-the-counter medications for things like headaches, colds, and fevers?

Dr. Oz explained that all these things [and more] that we ingest over the course of our lives have to ben processed by the liver. Over time the liver can becomes overwhelmed with the volume of things to process leading to an accumulation of fat in the liver and an enlargement of the organ.

There is good news, Dr. Oz said the liver too can be restarted and supported.

One women who chose to support her liver shared that when growing up, her mom would save bacon grease and use it to cook veggies and would serve fried chicken often. By the time her 30s came around she felt the need to support her body by eating healthier foods and supporting her liver.

Dr. Oz explained the our bodies, and the liver, can process through quite a bit of our unhealthy choices but over time the liver can become sluggish and less able to process. It's not just alcohol that tax the liver, sugar and fat also have to be processed out of the body by the liver and taking in too much over time can cause unhealthy accumulations to develop in the liver.

To demonstrate, Dr. Oz had his audience volunteers take glasses of blue liquid representing healthy foods and pour it through a filter representing the liver. Some bits where left on the filter representing the part of healthy foods that take more time to filter through the liver. In a few hours, explained Dr. Oz, those bits of healthy foods will be easily processed through the liver and the body.

When we eat those unhealthy options, however, a gloppy yellow pile of goop can cover the filter and slow down the naturally detox process. Obesity not only puts more pressure on the heart, Dr. Oz explained, being overweight can also clog the liver.

Dr. Oz said he has made these two simple steps a daily part of his life and he wants everyone to do the same.

Dr. Oz Liver Detox Step 1: Morning Liver Elixir
¼ cup lukewarm water
Squeeze a lemon wedge
2 dashes hot sauce

The water flushes out the liver. Lemon juice contains Vitamin C, a power antioxidant that supports detoxification of the liver. Hot sauce contains capsaicin which helps to detox and energize the liver.

Dr. Oz Liver Detox Step 2: Bitter Greens and Cruciferous Veggies
Dr. Oz recommends eating 3 cups of bitter greens and cruciferous vegetables every day to increase the flow of bile and support the liver in rebuilding itself. Bitter greens include arugula, endive and regular spinach (not baby) [and yummy dandelion greens too!]. Cruciferous vegetables include broccoli [as well as cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale and cabbage].

The support provide by these foods can create changes to the liver that come within days, said Dr. Oz.

Dr. Oz: Restart Your Heart

Dr. Oz talked with a woman held a heart in her hands and who shared that she just turned 40. As a Latino woman, she's concerned about the high risk of heart disease facing Latina's as well as her family history of heart disease. She admitted that she knows she's not exercising and not eating healthy foods all the time.

As we age, the heart muscle can become stiff and rigid with accumulated cholesterol and issues with inflammation. This tension in the heart creates a stressful environment where it becomes increasingly more difficult for the heart to circulate the blood throughout the body.

Dr. Oz put her at ease saying that she, we, all have the power to restart our bodies. He shared his three step Extended Warranty plan to support the heart.

Dr. Oz Heart Extended Warranty Step #1: DHA
Dr. Oz recommended taking taking the omega-3 DHA, 600mg, once a day to support the health of the heart. He explained that he's not just talking about omega-3 but a specific omega-3. There are three types of omega-3: ALA, EPA, and DHA. DHA is the form he recommends for the heart because, he said, it supports healthy cholesterol levels and it is believed that DHA can play a role support the regular beating of the heart. Because DHA comes from a fat, it's best when stored in the refrigerator.

Dr. Oz Heart Extended Warranty Step #2: Low-Dose Aspirin
Dr. Oz recommended taking 2 low-dose 81mg, or baby aspirin, to people over the age of 40. He explained that low-dose aspirin provides protection against inflammation and also thins the blood. Taking low-dose aspirin with a glass of water, drink one half of the water then take the aspirin and wash down the rest of the water, can encourage the tablet to dissolve in the stomach. Undissolved aspirin can stick to the tissues of the stomach which can cause health concerns.

[Please read my WatchingDrOz post from September 2011 that provides many reasons not to take baby aspirin. I'm against a blanket statement that everyone should take aspirin given the severe and life threatening side effects associated with the use of aspirin. If the idea of taking aspirin for heart health is appealing then talking to your health care professional can help you determine if it's right for you taking your individual health profile into consideration. There are many food sources of blood thinners that do not come with a side-effect of death. Garlic, cocoa powder and some mushrooms are blood thinners.]

Dr. Oz Heart Extended Warranty Step #3: Fiber
Two servings of soluble fiber daily can support the health and longevity of the heart, said Dr. Oz. [Forms of soluble fiber include: whole grains, oranges, pears, berries, beans, cucumbers, and celery.]

Dr. Oz: Restart Your Intestines

Bloated? Grumbling tummy? Heavy feeling in stomach? Infrequent bowel movements? All of these common concerns are indications that the intestines are not doing their job as designed.

An audience member who chose the intestines for her organ said she suffers from irritable bowel and understands that some foods can upset the balance of her body and digestion. She said she wants to learn more about the foods that will better support her health.

Dr. Oz asked three women onstage to hold the intestines. All 26 feet of the intestines. He wanted viewers to recognize that the intestines hold all the poop that eventually has to leave the body.

Normally, the intestines can process our food and remove the poop effectively and efficiently. However, in our busy lives stress builds up with one negative effect being a reduction in the digestive powers of the intestines.

Dr. Oz Support For The Intestines: Prebiotics
Most people have heard of probiotics, the beneficial organisms that populate the stomach and intestines. Many, though, are not aware of prebiotics which also play an important role in digestive health. This is the first time Dr. Oz has discussed prebiotics on his show.

Probiotics being the good bugs of the digestive system, prebiotics are the foods that keep probiotics alive. Dr. Oz recommended eating 2-3 servings of prebiotics foods to support intestinal flora: whole grains, honey, garlic, and onions.

It's never too late to restart your body, said Dr. Oz. He wants to make the process easy so he's create a cheat sheet and posted it on his website. Click here to see the Dr. Oz Cheat Sheet to Restart Your Organs on

Dr. Oz: Getting 100's of Organs to the Studio

Today's Dr. Oz featured audience members holding organs. Real organs. At the end of today's episode, Dr. Oz provided a quick summary to what was a very long process involving many hours of hard work to obtain and bring all those organs into his studio.

Medical students had to first make phone call after phone call to locate more than 100 organs. The organs were sent to Dr. Oz's resident hospital where they were checked out by the medical students and each organ placed in plastic bags and stored on ice. The organs were delivered to the Dr. Oz studio where they again had to be stored in the proper temperature. Finally, in filming day, the organs were brought out of cold storage, sorted and organizied then handed out to the audience.

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[Note: Advertisements of products on WatchingDrOz do not imply an endorsement by Dr. Oz or The Dr. Oz Show. Links to products are provided as a service to readers.]

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  1. Hello
    Do you take Liver Restart Drink before or after breakfast.

    1. Thanks for your question. Dr. Oz didn't specify before or after breakfast for the liver restart drink. My best guess would be before breakfast. You could experiment and see if one time works better than the other, if you can feel a distinct different between the times. Good luck!
