Airdate: May 1, 2012
Dr. Oz's Best Advice Ever! Over 50 of
His All-Time Greatest Tips
- 6 tips to fight aging
- 4 ways to fight fatigue
- 4 alternative remedies to support health
- 3 tips to get your best night's sleep
- Tips to reduce stress
Dr. Oz says this is the biggest show
he's ever done and it's something he's never done before. Viewers
asked for more tips, advice, and solutions for their most requested
health issues. All that information has been packed into one show.
[The show is titled “50 Greatest Tips” but there are actually
only 30 but, who's counting – rather, who didn't count?]
[Note: When this episode originally aired, Dr. Oz gave away a trip and products. Those contests have ended and are no longer listed on Dr. Oz's website.]
[Note: When this episode originally aired, Dr. Oz gave away a trip and products. Those contests have ended and are no longer listed on Dr. Oz's website.]
Stay up-to-date with
Watching Dr Oz:
Dr. Oz's Best Advice Ever! Over 50 of
His All-Time Greatest Tips
Dr. Oz started the show by clarifying that he is not
getting a penny from the products featured on this episode. He
explains that he [and his staff] have looked far and wide to find
sure-fire ways to target viewers greatest concerns. Dr. Oz says he
hopes to make all this easier for viewers and therefore feels obliged
to recommend specific products.
Dr. Oz Six Best Tips for Aging
Dr. Oz Greatest Tip #1: Reduce
Retinol is the only ingredient in skin
care that has proven over and over again to reduce wrinkles, says Dr.
Oz. Retinol is a form of Vitamin A that promotes collagen growth to
keep the skin bouncy. Add SPF 30 to your retinol skin care regimen
with Peter
Thomas Roth Retinol Fusion AM Moisturizer SPF 30. Dr. Oz calls
this a simple product that delivers retinol across an 8 hour period.
Cost for Peter
Thomas Roth's Retinol Fusion AM Moisturizer SPF 30: $78.00
Dr. Oz Greatest Tip #2: Prevent
Puffiness and Crow's Feet
women are concerned about aging around the eyes, it's one of the
first areas where we notice aging. Acupressure massage, that has been
used for centuries in China, can be used to help reduce the
appearance of puffiness and wrinkles.
jade roller, utilized in acupressure massage, is hard to get so Dr.
Oz recommends the Clarisonic
Opal Sonic Infusion System. The Opal Sonic infuses any skin care serum to
help it penetrate deeper into the skin and it's easy to pack up and
take with you when traveling.
for the Clarisonic
Opal Sonic Infusion System: $185.00
Dr. Oz Greatest Tips #3 Brighten
Your Smile
our own smiling face reflecting back can help encourage a more
positive mood. Removing surface stains and brightening the teeth
overall helps us to feel better about ourselves. Dr. Oz says an
abrasive, such as baking soda, is needed to remove surface stains and
hydrogen peroxide can be employed to brighten the teeth. Some
whitening products can irritate the gum and damage enamel on the
Oz recommends a product that only requires five minutes of use per
day for five days in a row to contribute to a whiter, brighter smile:
The Tanda Pearl Ionic
Teeth Whitening System. Place the whitening solution into the
mouth guard and place in the mouth. The Tanda Pearl sends ionic
pulses through the solution to help remove stains.
Oz calls the Tanda Pearl an elegant system that uses the best
technology out there the whiten and brighten teeth without causing
for the Tanda Pearl
Ionic Teeth Whitening System: $195.00
Dr. Oz Greatest Tips #4: Get
many steps does it take to get fit? At least 10,000 steps a day. The
Fitbit Ultra
Wireless Activity and Sleep Tracker tells you how many steps
you've taken, how many calories burned, and the distance you traveled
through the day. The Fitbit can also tell you how many floors you've
Dr. Oz Greatest Tips #5: Smell
Yourself Thin
are one of the most important things to remember when losing weight.
Certain scents can trigger or suppress cravings is a helpful tool.
Being aware of the scents that trigger cravings can help people take
a step toward curbing them. Studies have show that this science of
scent is powerful. People ate less and lost weight in studies simply
by applying particular scents. Eau
de Lite by Harvey Prince is a blend of green apple, mint, and
other oils that help to decrease food cravings.
Cost for Eau
de Lite by Harvey Prince: $55.00.
Dr. Oz Greatest Tips #6: Go
Oz says drinking his Green Drink is the best way to cheat aging but
today he's upgrading his special recipe to add cayenne pepper and
dandelion greens for a little kick and more nutrients. Utilizing the
Vert BRT350 Juicer, with it's slow masticating juice action,
allows for better extraction and protection of the nutrients to gain
the fullest benefit.
for the Omega
Vert BRT350 Juicer: $379.99.
Dr. Oz Four Best Tips to Fight
Dr. Oz asked viewers to talk about how
tired they are. The top four were chosen to visit The Dr. Oz Show for
recommendations on overcoming fatigue. There is no better way to
fight fatigue, says Dr. Oz, then with superfoods.
Dr. Oz Greatest Tips
#7: Cacao
Goji Super Food Power Snack
Oz recommends Cacao
Goji Super Food Power Snack to fight fatigue. Cacao, the raw
plant material used to make chocolate supports energy and goji
berries, filled with antioxidants, help to fight fatigue. The
combination of sweetness from one another make for a great snack.
for Cacao
Goji Super Food Power Snack: $8.99, available at Whole Foods
Dr. Oz Greatest Tips #8: Keurig
Vue Brewing System
The problem with drinking coffee
throughout the day, says Dr. Oz, is that people get and energy high
then a crash. He's says it's best to limit coffee intake to four
regular sized sups a day but to drink it the right way. Dark roasted
coffee beans provides antioxidants but they have to be brewed with
very hot water. To make the brewing easier, Dr. Oz recommends the
Vue Brewing System.
Vue Brewing System: $310.00
Dr. Oz Greatest Tips #9: Kitchen
Table Bakers Flax Seed Parmesan Crisps
For an afternoon pick up, Dr. Oz
recommends Kitchen
Table Bakers Flax Seed Parmesan Crisps, A great combination of
fiber filled flax seeds and energy promoting Parmesan cheese.
Dr. Oz Greatest Tips #10: SodaStream
Soda may give you a rush of energy but
the consequence is a hard crash at the end. When people crave soda
often they are craving the fizziness. Dr. Oz says you can mix seltzer
water and citrus or use the SodaStream
Fizz to carbonate water and then add any flavor of citrus. Dr. Oz
says you can even add alcohol.
Cost for the SodaStream
Fizz: $149.99, available from Bed Bath & Beyond.
Dr. Oz Favorite Alternative
Bryce Wylde, Bsc,
RNC, DHMHS, Alternative Medicine Expert and Host "Wylde
on Health", joins Dr. Oz to discuss the best in alternative
Dr. Oz Greatest Tips #11: Himalayan
Salt Inhaler with Flugon
Oz has discussed the Himalayan Salt Inhaler on a previous show.
Today, he reiterated the immunity boost delivered as salt is breathed
into the lungs it draws moisture into mucus and thins it out.
Himalayan rock salt is pink indicating the 80 micronutrients
contained in the salt and when it's inhale can support the immune
Wylde wants to take the inhaler up a notch by adding Flugon, a blend
of 7 medical grade essential oils to further support the immune
system. Inhale Flugon along with the salt. He reminds folks to inhale
the salt and oils through the mouth then exhale out through the nose.

Dr. Oz Greatest Tips #12: Purely
Products Healthy CFL Light Bulb Ionizer
negative and positive charges in the air can positively effect
serotonin levels. Mr. Wylde and Dr. Oz both recommend the Purely
Products Healthy CFL Light Bulb Ionizer to support good mood. A
built in ionizer in the light bulb grabs onto harmful elements in the
air and makes them drop to the ground clearing the air to provide
improved energy, mood, and immune function, says Dr. Wylde.
of Purely
Products Healthy CFL Light Bulb Ionizer: $17.59, available at
Dr. Oz Greatest Tips #13: Waterpik Sinusense Water Pulsator
Oz often recommends a neti pot for allergy and sinus support but Dr.
Wylde is going to take it step further with an upgrade. Sometimes
when using a neti pot the water may be going into the nostril but not
flushing through. The Waterpik
Sinusense Water Pulsator has a soft tip to fit into the nostril
and a pulsating water stream to more efficiently irrigate the nasal
passages. It's dishwasher safe and the plastic is BPA-free.
Cost for the
Sinusense Water Pulsator: $34.99, available at Walmart.
Dr. Oz Greatest Tips #14: Spoonk
Acupressure Mat
Dr. Wylde recommend the Spoonk
Acupressure Mat for pain relief. Laying on the mat releases
pleasure endorphins in the body to reduce the pain response. Little
flowerettes on the mat hit every meridian site to reduce stress and
improve overall health. Acupressure and acupressure mats have been
used in India for centuries utilizing the concept of generation a
healing flow of energy and supporting circulation.
Cost for the Spoonk
Acupressure Mat: $69.99.
Dr. Oz Best Night Sleep Ever
Dr. Oz Greatest Tips #15: Bedtime
While Dr. Oz doesn't promote eating
before bed he does however make an exception if you're having trouble
sleeping. Stay away from the late night snacks and instead go for a
healthy snack before bed. He says we get our best rest when we eat
something supportive to blood sugar levels before bed. Dr. Oz
recommends 2 tablespoons of Nuttzo
PF on 4 whole grain crackers 30 minutes before bed. Nutzzo
PF is a blend of nuts, no peanuts and seeds providing fiber,
protein and healthy fats all of which support healthy blood sugar
Cost for Nuttzo
PF: $22.00, available at Whole Foods
Dr. Oz Greatest Tips #16: Pillow
You're looking for support when you get
in bed but your pillow may be uncomfortable or too hot. Dr. Oz
recommends the Comfort
Revolution Hydraluxe Gel Contour Pillow. The specially designed
pillow will mold around the head and neck and align the spine to
prevent wake ups during the night due to discomfort. The Contour
Pillow also keeps you cool at night lowering body temperature which
plays a role in deep sleep.
Cost for the Comfort
Revolution Hydraluxe Gel Contour Pillow: $80.00.
Dr. Oz Greatest Tips #17: Sleep
There are certain
sounds that can help people achieve deep sleep. Dr. Oz recommends
SleepPhones, a headband
with little imbedded speakers, that plays those specific soothing
sounds to support better sleep. He says SleepPhones
can induce sleep within minutes.
Cost for
SleepPhones: $40.00.
Dr. Oz Super Simple Tricks to
De-Stress Instantly
Dr. Oz Greatest Tips #18:
A blend of 5 flower essences to support
mood, Rescue
Remedy has been around the natural remedy world for years. Dr. Oz
says his mother-in-law introduced him to the product. A few sprays in
the mouth help to support mood and balance stress levels.
Dr. Oz Greatest Tips #19: Mighty
Leaf TeaTop Brew Travel Mug
Drinking green tea is great for health
providing huge benefits and can be easy to incorporate into your
life. It may not be so easy to brew while you travel, unless you try
the Mighty
Leaf TeaTop Brew Travel Mug. The TeaTop provides a place to put
your tea bag once it's finished brewing.
Dr. Oz Greatest Tips #20: Conair
Touch 'N Tone Massager
Massage away worries, says Dr. Oz, and
you can experience a 50% drop cortisol levels – says scientific
studies. If you can't get a massage on a regular basis, treat
yourself to some relaxation at home, says Dr. Oz, with the hand-held
Touch 'N Tone Massager. The Conair Massager has three settings
and comes with a variety of tips.
Cost of Conair
Touch 'N Tone Massager: $15.00, available at K-Mart.
Dr. Oz Greatest Tips #21: JumpSport
Fitness Mini Trampolines
Dr. Oz wants to help make exercise easy
for everyone. But for some, the idea of making time to exercise can
be stressful in itself. He says jumping on a trampoline 10 minutes
daily pumps up the endorphins and can be a great deal of fun. Dr. Oz
recommends JumpSport
Fitness Mini Trampolines which makes exercising at home easy.
for JumpSport
Fitness Mini Trampolines: $250 - $479
Dr. Oz Quick Tips
The next 8 tips were featured just
before and after commercial breaks during today's Dr. Oz Show. I've
compiled them together in one section.
Dr. Oz Greatest Tips #22:
Goldenberries to Blast Belly Fat
Dr. Oz's favorite food to blast belly
fat is goldenberries. He recommends eating ¼ cup daily of these
metabolism fueling berries that are full of B Vitamins.
Dr. Oz Greatest Tips #23: Air-Popped
Another super snack recommended on The
Dr. Oz Show is air-popped popcorn. Popcorn is high in fiber to help
keep you full and if you stay away from butter and oils, it can be a
low-calorie snack too.
Dr. Oz Greatest Tips #24: Tart
Tart cherries are another great snack
that will provide antioxidants.
Dr. Oz Greatest Tips #25: Avocados
To help support the memory, incorporate
a serving of avocados into the diet. The healthy fats in avocados
help to feed the brain as well as the rest of the body.
Dr. Oz Greatest Tips #26: Omega-3
Another source of healthy fats to
support brain and memory function is omega-3 supplements. Dr. Oz
recommends taking 1,000mg of omega-3's daily to boost brain power.

Dr. Oz Greatest Tips #27: Rhodiola
Dr. Oz likes rhodiola for its ability
to boost libido and support mood. He recommends 20 drops of rhodiola
to 8 oz water. [Rhodiola is also available in pill form.]
Dr. Oz Greatest Tips #28: Colors
to Boost Mood
If you need a mood boost, Dr. Oz
recommends wearing red or yellow. Seeing these colors creates
chemical changes in the body to improve mood.
Dr. Oz Bonus Tips! For Meditation
Dr. Oz Greatest Tips #29: Sony
W Series Walkman MP3 Player
Dr. Oz recommends and practices
meditation everyday. Did you know that you can meditate to music and
still gain the benefits? He recommends using the Sony
W Series Walkman MP3 Player a cordless, rechargeable MP3 player
that is one-piece construction making it easy to take along on trips
Cost for the Sony
W Series Walkman MP3 Player: $69.99.
[Note: When this episode originally aired, Dr. Oz gave away a trip and products. Those contests have ended and are no longer listed on Dr. Oz's website.]
Place your vote for
this week's quiz
and return on Saturday
for the answer.
Thank you for making
Watching Dr Oz a success!
Hello Dr. Oz,
ReplyDeleteI watched your show on Tuesday May 1, 2012. I wrote down every letter that you gave and I've tryed to get your site:, however, I have had trouble getting there. Here is your letters are I ahve unscrabbled them and your the word is: relax. I watch your show every day before I leave home to go to school. I am working towards earning Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration.
Barbara Cook
Hi Barbara,
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment. Watching Dr Oz is not affiliated with Dr. Oz or The Dr. Oz Show and therefore I cannot enter you into his contests.
Here is the link to enter the contest on
Good luck!
Hi Dr. Oz, I love your show I watch it daily. I unscrambled the letters last night. ERALX and the word is RELAX. Love JoanL.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment. While I'd love to enter everyone in the Dr. Oz contest and giveaway fabulous trips to exotic destinations, Watching Dr Oz is not affiliated with Dr. Oz or The Dr. Oz Show and therefore I cannot enter you into his contests.
ReplyDeleteHere is the link to enter the contest on
On Dr Oz's May 1st 2012 show he recommended a powder for weight loss that boosted metabolism. It began with the letter s. Does anyone know the full name? Please post the answer. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteSpirulina was recommended on the 4/30/12 episode to support the metabolism. Spirulina, a blue-green algae, comes in caps, tablets, and powder. Does that sound like what you're looking for?
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad I found your site. Whenever i go to Dr Oz's site i can never find what I'm looking for. It just has a clip of the show. I can't find the actual tips that were shared. Now I have them. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting Tanya. I'm glad you found WatchingDrOz and found the information useful!
DeleteHi! I am a true Dr. Oz watcher and when I saw this episode, I was excited about the free products! Now, that I was told to come back on here, regardless that the show aired previously. Now, I come to find those products are no longer available. For someone like me who has fibromalgia, they would of been great. I'm very disappointed.
Thanks for posting Judy. I hear your frustration around the giveaways not being available when an episode airs as a repeat. It would have been great if the products were still available.
ReplyDeleteWatchingDrOz is a fan site and is not affiliated with The Dr. Oz Show. One thought is to communicate your experience to Dr. Oz and his staff through his website at
The new season of The Dr. Oz Show begins on Monday, Sept 10, 2012. Perhaps prize giveaways will be featured on these new episodes.